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Optimization problems in adaptive steganography
(Strategic adaptive steganography)

subject  sept 2014 - fin 2017
Encadrants : Marc Chaumont



Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier
Team: ICAR

Keywords: Game Theory, Optimization, Probabilistic models, Security, Steganography/Steganalysis.

Steganography is the art and science of hiding a message in any media, in such a way that no one can suspect the existence of the message. Steganalysis is the art and science of detecting the presence of a hidden message i.e. detecting the existence of a secret channel. The study of modern steganography / steganalysis began in the early 2000s.

Correcting codes are used to hide information, i.e., a secret message, in an image, and to extract hidden information from the modified image. (F5-Hamming [Westfeld2001_F5], Modified Matrix Encoding: MME [Kim2007_MME], FastBCH [Zhang2009_BCH], [Sachnev2009_BCH], Reed-Solomon (RS) [Fontaine2009_BCH] …).  Moreover, recently, it is accepted that some parts of the image are more susceptible to detection, i.e. more “sensitive” than others [Fridrich2007_Embedding].  The “sensitivity” is modeled with a detectability value attributed to each pixel of the image.

The message embedding, through the use of correcting codes [Filler2011_STC], is then carried out with the constraint of minimizing the sum of the detectability of the modified pixels. These detectability values ​​can be binary, as the algorithms based on the wet paper codes [Fridrich2005], or be in a real interval [Pevny_HUGO_2010], [Filler_MOD2011], [Kouider2012_ASO]. When the values ​​of detectability are in a real interval, algorithms are named adaptive algorithms [HUGO_2010], [Filler_MOD2011], [Kouider2012_ASO]. Adaptive steganography is known as an interesting problem of steganography/steganalysis. Currently, the only existing code is STC [Filler2011_STC]. Furthermore, the recent proposals [Pevny_HUGO_2010], [Filler_MOD2011], [Kouider2012_ASO] deal with the definition of the detectability values.

Adaptive steganography is interesting because the embedding is done by optimizing a cost function, i.e., (the detectability) [Filler2011_STC].  By cons, the embedding does not take into account the strategy of the steganalyser. In order to take into account the steganalyser, the steganography may model this two player game, with game theory. Game theory is a good method to model a situation with two (or more) opponents (players) who can vary their strategies and make some assumptions about the behavior of opponents. In general, each player wants to maximize their gain or minimize their loss in a competitive environment. The Nash equilibrium [vanDamme1991_Nash]   is the stable situations in this environment: none of the players would benefit from changing her strategy.

In steganography and steganalysis, the different participants of the game are Nature, the Steganograph (Alice), The Judge, and the Steganalyser (Eve) [Ettinger1998_SGE]. The authors of In [Schottle_GTA_2012] develop the first rigorous method based on Game theory to adapt the embedding in an adaptive steganography context. An optimal game strategy is developed with strong hypothesis on the model as the use of a LSB (Least Significant Bit) embedding, a 2 pixels image, or the embedding of one and only one bit, etc.


The topics include but are not limited to probabilistic modeling, game theory, steganography / steganalysis.

In this thesis, the PhD student will identify and analyze the links between the detectability map, the cost function, and the strategies in a game theory context. He will then propose different models of steganography, strategies, security functions, values ​​of detectability, etc, based on Game Theory. Those strategies will be evaluated, on different type of covers.

Références :

[Westfeld2001_F5] Westfeld, A.: F5–A Steganographic Algorithm: High Capacity Despite Better Ste-ganalysis. In: Information Hiding - 4th International Workshop. vol. 2137, pp. 289–302. Springer-Verlag, New York, Pittsburgh, PA (April 25-27 2001)

[Kim2007_MME] Y. Kim, Z. Duric, D. Richards: “Modified matrix encoding technique for minimal distortion steganography”. In: Camenisch, J.L., Collberg, C.S., Johnson, N.F., Sallee, P. (eds.) IH 2006. LNCS, vol. 4437, pp. 314–327 (2007).

[Zhang2009_BCH] R. Zhang, V. Sanchev, H. J. Kim: “Fast BCH Syndrome Coding for Steganography”. In: Katzenbeisser, S. and Sadeghi, A.-R (Ed.) Information Hiding 2009, IH’2009, LNCS 5806, pp. 48-58, 2009, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.

[Sachnev2009_BCH] V. Sachnev, H.J. Kim and R. Zhang: “Security Less Detectable JPEG Steganography Method Based on Heuristic Optimization and BCH Syndrome Coding”, The 11th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, MM&Sec’09, September 7–8, 2009, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

[Fontaine_2009_RS] C. Fontaine and F. Galand: “How Reed-Solomon Codes Can Improve Steganographic Schemes”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation EURASIP Journal on Information Security Volume 2009, Article ID 274845, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2009/274845.

[Pevny_HUGO_2010] “Using High-Dimensional Image Models to Perform Highly Undetectable Steganography”, T. Pevny, T. Filler and P. Bas, 12th Information Hiding Conference, June 28 - 30, 2010, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Code source : Break Our Steganography System, 2010, http://boss.gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr/BOSSRank/.

[Filler_MOD2011] T. Filler and J. Fridrich, “Design of Adaptive Steganographic Schemes for Digital Images,” in Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics XIII, part of IS&T SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, January 23-26 2011, vol. 7880, paper. 13, pp. F 1–14.

[Fridrich2007_Embedding] Jessica J. Fridrich and Tomas Filler, “Practical Methods for Minimizing Embedding Impact in Steganography,” in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX, part of IS&T SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Jose, CA, January 29-February 1 2007, vol. 6505, pp. 02–03. Principle of minimizing the embedding impact was proposed in 2007 [Fridrich2007]. It is based on the adaptivity of the embedding operation by the use of a detectability map.

[Filler2011_STC] T. Filler, J. Judas, and J. Fridrich, “Minimizing Additive Distortion in Steganography using Syndrome-Trellis Codes”  IEEE Trans. on Info. Forensics and Security, vol. 6(1), pp. 920–935, 2011.

[Ettinger1998_SGE] Ettinger, J. Mark , « Steganalysis and Game Equilibria », In : PetitColas, F.A.P.(ed) LNCS, vol.1525, pp319- 328. Springer, Heidelberg (1998).

[Schottle2012_GTA] P. Schöttle and R. Böhme, “A Game-Theoretic Approach to Content-Adaptive Steganography,” in Information Hiding, Berkeley, California, May 15-18, 2012, vol. 6958 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, IH’2012, Springer.

[vanDamme1991_Nash]  Eric Van Damme « Stability and Perfection of Nash Equilibria, » Springer-Verlag, 1991 - 339 pages

[Kouider2012_ASO] S. Kouider and M. Chaumont and W. Puech, "Technical Points About Adaptive Steganography by Oracle (ASO)", EUSIPCO'2012, 20th European Signal Processing Conference 2012, Bucharest, Romania, August 27 - 31, 2012. http://www.lirmm.fr/~chaumont/Publications.html