ICFCA 2011 Tutorial

cyprus map

Relational Concept Analysis

Documents and tools


Marianne Huchard, Amedeo Napoli, Mohamed Rouane Hacène, Petko Valtchev

Slides for part 1
A gentle introduction to Relational Concept Analysis
Slides for part 2
State of the art
Three applications of RCA

All the steps of the Pizza example

Relational context family (RCF)
Lattice family at step 0
Scaled RCF at step 1
Lattice family at step 1
Scaled RCF at step 2
Lattice family at step 2
Scaled RCF at step 3
Lattice family at step 3

Relational context family for the circularity example
Lattice family for the circularity example
(concepts 15 and 17 reference each other)



Galicia (Mohamed Rouane Hacène and Petko Valtchev)
pizza example with Galicia input format
Galicia official page
Galicia jar archive used at Nicosia


eRCA (JR Falleri and X Dolques)
pizza example with eRCA input format
eRCA official page
eRCA jar archive used at Nicosia
commands to use the eRCA jar archive
