Execution of the jar erca2

# eRCA can be executed as an eclipse project or in a jar archive with commands
# here we show how to use the version erca2 (on the web page of the ICFCA2011 tutorial)
# to see the different steps of the RCA process
# the directory PizzasIcfca2011/ contains the source pizzasIcfca2011.rcft 

1. Compute the concept lattice families

#write the following on a single line
java -jar erca2.jar                                        # execute the erca program
clfbuild-debug                                              # for building a concept lattice family in debug mode
                                                                     # (lattices and scaled relations all steps)
--rcft                                                             # using the following argument
PizzasIcfca2011/pizzasIcfca2011.rcft         # - input: the source relational context family (rcf)
PizzasIcfca2011/pizzasIcfca2011.xmi        # - output: xmi containing the relational context family
PizzasIcfca2011/pizzasIcfca2011.clf.xmi   # - output: xmi containing the final concept lattice family (clf)
PizzasIcfca2011/                                         # - input: directory where the rcf and the clf of all steps will be stored

2. Obtain the lattices in a readable .svg file

# now PizzasIcfca2011/contains
# clf_0.clf        clf_2.clf       pizzasIcfca2011.clf.xmi    pizzasIcfca2011.xmi    rcf_1.rcf        rcf_3.rcf
# clf_1.clf        clf_3.clf        pizzasIcfca2011.rcft    rcf_0.rcf        rcf_2.rcf

# we encode the concept lattice family of step 0 in svg to be able to manipulate it in an editor (like inkscape)
# we copy it first to add extension .xmi
cd PizzasIcfca2011/
cp clf_0.clf clf_0.clf.xmi
# eRCA computes the dot format
java -jar ../erca2.jar clfdot clf_0.clf.xmi clf_0.clf.dot
# the dot format is converted in svg format
dot -Tsvg clf_0.clf.dot -o clf_0.clf.svg

# the same can be done for the other clf: clf_1.clf  clf_2.clf  etc.

3. Obtain the contexts in a readable .html file

# to see the rcf at each step, we extract them form their xmi file, e.g. rcf_0.rcf
# we copy it first to add extension .xmi
cp rcf_1.rcf rcf_1.rcf.xmi
# eRCA computes the html format
java -jar ../erca2.jar rcfhtml --xmi rcf_1.rcf.xmi rcf_1.rcf.html

# the same can be done for the other rcf: rcf_0.rcf, rcf_2.rcf etc.
