This translation is intuitive and doesn't need rules to be applied because most of them are implicitly expressed in the support. The main idea behind it is to try to exploit as much as possible the separation between background knowledge and factual knowledge. Several options are available.

The 3 steps of the wizard:

If support completion option is checked, support is enriched by the imports
Uncheck the box to preserve current vocabulary and only take factual knowledge into account.

When support completion is allowed two ways exist to express rdfs:range and rdfs:domain semantic. The default is to define relation type signatures but it can be expressed by range rules and domain rules, depending on the purpose. Do the user want to correct future factual imports or to have a way to verify imports with signature. 

For example a property can be translated as a CG relation type with its signature or with rules:


domain rule

range rule

OWL Options

The semantics of RDFS is taken into account almost entirely. This is not the case with OWL. However, many ontologies are defined with OWL. In practice the processing of anonymous classes and the treatment of most used properties of OWL allows to recover a significant part of the semantics of these ontologies.

Fortunately ,a new import tool is provided by Graal extensions. See section Import RDFS/OWL with Graal

CoGui also offers an option that takes into account including anonymous classes, that are used during the processing of import. Some deductions were made using property restrictions, intersections and unions of classes and are expressed on the support. By default, after treatment all anonymous classes are removed from the type hierarchies, check option box to keep these classes.
The owl:disjointWith property is used to defined banned type in the concept type hierarchy.
In addition, some OWL properties are also expressed by rules, see below examples from importation of wine.owl ontology:





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