« Horaires de présence » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 33 : Ligne 33 :

During the last weeks, people has come or stay at the laboratory
During the last weeks, people have come to or stayed at the laboratory
outside regular hours (7h00 - 21h00 monday to friday) without respecting
outside regular hours (7h00 - 21h00 monday to friday) without respecting
the compulsory procedures.
the compulsory procedures.
Let us remind you that the presence at the laboratory outside regular
Let us remind you that the presence at the laboratory outside regular
hours has to remain exceptional, motivated by working constraints. The
hours has to remain exceptional, motivated by working constraints. The
procedures to follow are : no isolated work, declaration and prior
procedures to follow are: no isolated work, declaration and prior
authorization of the director by means of forms available at the
authorization of the director by means of forms available at the
reception desk and on the intranet.
reception desk and on the intranet.

Dernière version du 21 juin 2019 à 11:55


Building 4 : 7h -> 21h

Building 5 : 7h -> 21h


You can download the form for staying the week-end, or during the vacations, or at night here.

It must me given or send by email to Nicolas before 3 p.m. the current day.

Email from the direction (February 16)[modifier]

_French Version_

Bonjour à tous, Il y a actuellement une recrudescence des personnes accédant aux locaux du laboratoire en dehors des horaires ouvrables (7h00 - 21h00 du lundi au vendredi hors jours fériés) sans avoir préalablement effectué les démarches obligatoires. Nous vous rappelons que les présences au laboratoire en dehors des horaires ouvrables doivent rester exceptionnelles, motivées par des raisons de travail, et dans le respect des procédures : pas de travail isolé, déclaration et autorisation préalable du directeur du laboratoire au moyen des formulaires mis à disposition à l'accueil et sur l'intranet. Merci à tous pour votre vigilance et pour le suivi de ces consignes, Bien cordialement, La direction du LIRMM

_English Version_

Hello, During the last weeks, people have come to or stayed at the laboratory outside regular hours (7h00 - 21h00 monday to friday) without respecting the compulsory procedures. Let us remind you that the presence at the laboratory outside regular hours has to remain exceptional, motivated by working constraints. The procedures to follow are: no isolated work, declaration and prior authorization of the director by means of forms available at the reception desk and on the intranet. Thanks to all for your vigilance and for the follow-up of these instructions, The Lirmm Direction_