Remi Coletta - Home page
LIRMM 161, rue Ada 34095 Montpellier | coletta [at] lirmm [dot] fr

Part-time Associate Professor at Lirmm

  • PC member of ICTAI 2016
  • PC member of IJCAI 2015
  • PC member of CP 2015
  • Supervisor of Gaelle's thesis on Constraint based approach for Preference Reasonning.
  • Supervisor of Olivier's thesis on Adaptative Propagation techniques for (Numerical) Constraint Programming.
  • Collaboration with TellMePlus on large scale preferences learning
  • PC member of CP 2014
  • Collaboration with Nyseos on wine assemblage
  • Collaboration with Fruition on logistic optimisation
  • Participant to European Project ICON

Short Bio

Remi Coletta obtained a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Montpellier in 2006. During his PhD-thesis, he worked at the intersection of two artificial intelligence fields, namely Constraint Programming and Machine Learning. More precisely, he developed a constraint acquision framework, namely ConAcq. His PhD work has been published in 4 main conferences in Constraint Programming (CP), Machine Learning (ECML) and Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

From 2006 to 2007, he heads the R&D department of the LRD company, where he developed constraint based optimisation solutions for industrial problems. In particular, he was leader of the DistriSuite project and conceived a dedicated solver for the vehicule routing problem with time-windows. During this industrial period, he continued his academic activities, by publishing two articles in the conference IJCAI 07.

In September 2007, he joins the LIRMM laboratory as associate professor in the Database and BigData INRIA Zenith He was awarded by an INRIA delegation (6 months full research position) and was the project manager of WebSmatch. His research is currently focused on using CP and ML in the context distributed information systems.

In 2010, he joins the Coconut Constraints Group, and becames co-head of the team in 2011. He participate to several national funded projects (ANR) and to the european project ICON Thanks to his industrial experience, he also has many industrial contracts with LRD,Nyseos, DataPublica, TellMePlus and Berger-Levrault.

His research is currently focused on using CP techniques to solve ML and DataMining problems and use of ML to improve CP solvers.