TreeCloud [+ new features] [- corrected bugs] # 2008/11/04 0.6 : + English version # 2008/08/06 0.5 : + cooccurrence distance without the log + normalized cooccurrence distance (Cilibrasi-Vitanyi) + button to display the treecloud view. - bug: last word of each line not treated - bug: Equal Angle algorithm - bug: cooccurrence computation - bug: UPGMA algorithm (should be correct now, compared with Phylip Neighbor) - bug: treecloud drawing button deactivated if the distance matrix is not recomputed # 2008/08/04 0.4 : + UPGMA tree reconstruction + drawing of the tree (EqualAngle algorithm) + naive location of labels + Newick export + information about the word frequencies + possibility to use custom stoplist - bug: progress bar evolution # 2008/04/01 0.3 (lost) : + speed improved - bug: nb of iterations in the average distance computation # 2008/01/01 0.2 : + coloration of the Nexus file # 2007/12/12 0.1 : Until version 0.6: program only available in French Computation of the distance matrix from a text, Nexus export