
Image exportation

Graphs can be exported from CoGui viewers to different graphical format files.

'Tools/Export image' menu action export currently displayed graph (hierarchie, fact graph or rule) and shows a file selector dialog:

Choose a file type

JPEG and PNG are well-known image formats.

FIG (Facility for Interactive Generation of figures) graphics format is a vector drawing format. This format preserves initial attributes and produces very small files .It give access to a lot of other formats with associated softwares. Langage description can be found here for version 3.2:http://www.xfig.org/userman/fig-format.html . Informations about associated softwares at this site: http://homepage.usask.ca/~ijm451/fig/

DOT is a specialized format for graph visualization. GraphViz layout tools [...make diagrams in several useful formats such as images and SVG for web pages, Postscript for inclusion in PDF or other documents...]. As in FIG format, CoGui preserves initial attibutes such like colors and shapes. But with DOT format it is no use to give vertices coordinates, layouters calculate new positions. Software is here: http://www.graphviz.org .

About Graphviz layouters: DOT draws directed graphs as hierarchies, it is the best choice to represent CG types hierarchies. NEATO draws undirected graphs, is a better choice for conceptual graphs. But tested version of NEATO seems to ignore DOT language clustering features. Choose DOT layouter (it works with undirected graphs too) if conceptual graph contains nested graphs.

Exporting hierarchies

direct JPEG output from CoGui
direct PNG output from CoGui
FIG output displayed in JFig
JPEG obtained with DOT layouter from CoGui DOT file
PNG obtained with DOT layouter from CoGui DOT file
SVG output displayed in Internet Explorer


Exporting Conceptual Graphs

JPEG output from CoGui
FIG output inside JFig
JPEG obtained with NEATO from CoGui DOT file



PNG obtained from CoGui



with FIG output inside JFig editor
JPEG obtained with DOT(rather than NEATO) layouter from CoGui DOT file


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