
conceptual vector



Many distances are possible (to be continued)

Angular distance

Let X and Y two conceptual vectors of dimension n. Let alpha, the angle between X and Y, we have :

cos(alpha) = X . Y
= (x1y1 + … + xnyn) / |X||Y|
= (x1y1 + … + xnyn) / (sqrt(x1x1 + … + xnxn) * sqrt(y1y1 + … + ynyn))

cos(alpha) is the dot product between X and Y. We call DA(X,Y) Angular Distance between X and Y, the alpha value :

DA(X,Y) = alpha = Acos(X . Y)

We have the following properties (some are common to any distance function) :

DA(X,X) = 0

DA(X,Y) = DA(Y,X)

DA(X,Y) + DA(Y,Z) &Mac179; DA(X,Z)

0 &Mac178; DA(X,Y) &Mac178; pi

Intensity distance

Let X and Y two conceptual vectors. Let V be the intersection between X and Y such that:

V = Inter(X, Y) = sqrt2(X * Y)

hence each vi = (xiyi)^1/2

We recall the mass of V :

Mass(V) = sqrt(v12 + … + vn2) / encoding-size
= sqrt(x1y1 + … + xny1) / encoding-size

Note that in this case, we always have : 0 &Mac178; Mass(V) &Mac178; 1

DI(X,Y) = Acos(Mass(V))

Canonical distance

Let X and Y two conceptual vectors. The Canonical distance (aka Euclidian) is :

DC(X,Y) = srqt ((x1-y1)^2 + … + (xi-yi)^2 + … + (xi-yi)^2)


Playing field

Corrected Angular distance Get the between
with the lexicon as

The Angular Distance = Non Corrected Absoluted Synonymy.

Natural distances Get the between
with the lexicon as




The Intensity Distance take into accont only the norm of the relative intersection between X and Y, which the Angular Distance cannot. If DA(X,Y) is close to 0 (resp. close to pi/2), then DI(X,Y) will be close to 0 (resp. close to pi/2). The DI(X,Y) may be diffrent from the DA(X,Y) for intermediate values depending on ow X and Y intersect.

For a given intermediate DA(X,Y), we may have :

DI(X,Y) closer to 0 as X and Y intersect on few high components

DI(X,Y) closer to pi/2 as X and Y intersect on many low components

Any situation between these two extremes (in that case DI(X,Y) is not particulary usefull).

last update17 april 2001
mathieu lafourcade LIRMM - 161, rue ADA - 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France - Tél : (33) 04 67 41 85 71 - Fax : (33) 04 67 41 85 00 - courriel :