Conceptual vector services
some advanced functions

Term to Term Multiplication

TTM terms to associations. Enter terms and n:

the closest associations of the TTM between

The source lexicon is and the target lexicon is


All terms vector but the last are added. The last term vector is substracted from the result.
Enter terms and n:

the closest associations of the Substraction between

The source lexicon is and the target lexicon is


Term vectors are added and the complement is computed. Let V = (x1, x2, … xn) and |V| the norm of V, we have C(V) = (|V|-x1, |V|-x2, … |V| - xn). The complement IS NOT the opposite.
Enter terms and n:

the closest associations of the Complement of

The source lexicon is and the target lexicon is

mathieu lafourcade LIRMM - 161, rue ADA - 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France - Tél : (33) 04 67 41 85 71 - Fax : (33) 04 67 41 85 00 - courriel :