conceptual vectors



Newbe side

From a set of terms (or specific submeanings) a request vector may be computed and then compared to vectors of known terms. The n closest terms from the request are displayed (sorted by increasing distance). Don't expect to obtain a synonym list but rather a list of "associated ideas".

Associated words. Get the of

lexicon source as   target as 
request computing method as

consider   MTM (Mid Term Memory)

display  Filtering Stat c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 Viz


Gotcha side

Vectors are computed from various information sources (definition dictionaries, synonym lists, manual indexations, etc.). The purpose of the form below IS NOT to provide some definitions for terms but to check obtained associated ideas against definitions.

Definition Get the of

options in base of
with LS Classif Stats Morpho Lum Prox
with pswd

Number Get the of items in base of .

Les plus belles perles du système pour l'apprentissage du Français




You can access below to associations to a (very small) set of selected words (in French):

La synonymie est une relation importante en TAL mais qui reste problématique. La distinction entre synonymie relative et synonymie subjective permet de contourner certaines difficultés. Dans le cadre des vecteurs conceptuels, il est alors possible de définir formellement des fonctions de test de synonymie et d'en expérimenter l'usage.

The displayed results will give some clues. Related words come with their distance to the request vector computed from the request words (which are most probably polysemic - check their definitions if you are not sure). The closer to 0 the "greener" is the distance and the closer to pi/2 the "redder". The font size of the distance is an indicator of the word relative frequency (a common word tends to be big and a rare one tends to be small). In the above form, you have more option (concept display, filtering, etc.).


In formulars where several words are allowed (like for the first one of this page), the space character is considered as a separator. Compound words (like "pomme de terre") would be written with an underscore instead of the space (like "pomme_de_terre").

Quelques représentations graphiques

Des espaces lexicaux.

alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET> tag!

Pour jouer avec des graphes qui bouge… ou alors créer vos propres graphes

the following words :

last update24 feb 2004
mathieu lafourcade LIRMM - 161, rue ADA - 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France - Tél : (33) 04 67 41 85 71 - Fax : (33) 04 67 41 85 00 - courriel :