This page is dedicated to the paper Complement avoidance in binary words by James Currie, Lubomira Dvorakova, Pascal Ochem, Daniela Opocenska, Narad Rampersad, and Jeffrey Shallit.

gen_c.c is the program that found the uniform morphisms of the paper (Theorems 3, 4, 17, 19, 20).

To compile:
gcc -O3 -o gen_c gen_c.c

./gen_c n d p bl bn size lim
(n/d)-free if p=0, (n/d^+)-free if p=1
bl: length with no complementary factors
bn: maximum number of complementary non-empty factors (thus an even number)
size: length q such that the morphism is q-uniform
lim: checks the morphic image of every ternary square-free word of length lim

The morphisms of Theorems 3 and 4:
./gen_c 3 1 1 5 8 17 10
./gen_c 8 3 1 7 24 36 10
./gen_c 7 3 1 13 90 69 10
The morphism of Theorem 17:
./gen_c 11 3 1 2 4 31 10
The morphism of Theorem 19:
./gen_c 29 11 1 8 36 84 10
The morphism of Theorem 20:
./gen_c 5 2 1 9 40 31 10