An individual is an identifier which is a surrogate for a precise entity of the discourse universe. For instance, if Town is a concept type then Budapest is an individual of type Town. A concept type may have subtypes, e.g. SmallTown could be a sub-type of Town, an individual cannot have ‘sub-individuals’. The ontological individuals are the individuals about which all the users agree, i.e. for all users an ontological individual must represent the same entity in the discourse universe. An ontological individual is entered into a COGUI-ontology with a primitive concept type called its privileged type. For instance, if the COGUI-ontology concerns  Modern Art, and if Picasso is an ontological individual of privileged type Artist representing the famous artist Pablo Picasso, then it is impossible to use the identifier Picasso for representing a Citroën car (unless the conjunctive type Car, Painter is not forbidden). COGUI checks that an ontological individual appearing in an annotation has a type which is compatible (i.e. not forbidden) with the privileged type of the individual.
All individuals appearing in a COGUI-ontology (e.g. in rules, constraints or prototypical knowledge) must be ontological individuals.  Thus, the set of ontological individuals can be completed only whenever all knowledge representing in a COGUI-ontology have been considered.

The individual view lists all individuals in a sortable table. Needless to complete, the list of individuals automatically updates when the user references individuals in different graphs. Select individuals in the list to drop them to the graphs and right click to popup the contextual menu to rename, change the privileged type.

Individuals tab in vocabulary view displays the complete list of individuals

Since 3.0 CoGui integrates the notion of namespace. Then a namespace can be associated the each individuals. It can be selected directly on the list:

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