Home Frontiers of AI

Frontiers of AI

In this novel track attack a limited number of invited speakers will present talks that are meant to make the AI community aware of particularly interesting new research results, directions and trends. These can be about AI itself, about one of its subareas or about a neighboring field. Frontier talks should appeal to the broad AI community, are on invitation only, and  will run in parallel with other sessions.

Confirmed speakers in this track include :

Simon Colton: Imperial College London
Computational Creativity: the Final Frontier?
Gert De Cooman: University of Ghent
Recent Advances in Imprecise-Probabilistic Graphical Models
Anthony Hunter: University College London
Executable Logic for Dialogical Argumentation
Kristian Kersting: University of Bonn and Fraunhofer AIS
Lifted Probabilistic Inference
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer: INRIA
Developmental Mechanisms for Life-Long Learning in Robots
Jan Peters: TU Darmstadt
Robot Skill Learning