IT, Cultural Diversity and Technoscience Studies



For whom and by who are technologies developed? Who and what is made visible or invisible by the standardisations and categorisations integral to technoscientific processes and artefacts? Who participates and on what and whose terms? Who is included in the construction of technological discourses and artefacts? How do issues concering gender, class, ethnicity, age etc. and their intersectionality matter? How is the relation between ’the’ social and ’the’ technical through new technologies reconfigured?

These are some of our main questions. We want to bring scholars together who are engaged in opening the blackbox of new technologies such as computing, AI, etc. and who want to challenge processes of normalisations. We invite research concerning gender and diversity in technology/IT; critical analyses from science and technology studies, feminist/gender research, postcolonial studies and other social and cultural studies of technoscientific practices in general. We are also looking for conceptualisations and ideas with regard to possibilities for intervention, change and alternative technology design, “in the engine rooms of technological production (Wajcman 1991, p. 164)”.

IT, Cultural Diversity and Technoscience Studies CFP files