
The problem of placing n queens on an (n x n) chessboard is a classical problem where the model-oracle can be given by three constraints (noted m_ct1,m_ct2 and m_ct3), the first one insures that all queens are placed differently on their column, the second and the third constraint insure that no two queens are placed on the same upper or lower-diagonal on the chessboard. We improved this model by adding new data structures, redundant, surrogate and global constraints.
We have produced 7 different faulty CPUTs for n-queens using fault injection.


tab3. Fault detection and localization of n-queens problem.

G.rulers #_constr. fault_injected non.conf._detected fault localization time
CPUT1 12 p1_ct11 sol(CPUT1)=emptyset (rev(p1_ct11), emptyset) 2.09s
CPUT2 12 p2_ct12 sol(CPUT2)=emptyset (rev(p2_ct12), emptyset) 1.64s
CPUT3 12 p3_ct11 sol(CPUT3)=emptyset (rev(p3_ct11), emptyset) 1.57s
CPUT4 12 p4_ct12 sol(CPUT4)=emptyset (rev(p4_ct12),emptyset) 1.59s


[1 5 1 1 4 8 8 4] (rev(p5_ct3),emptyset) 0.62s
CPUT6 3 p6_ct3 [7 8 3 2 4 1 5 6] (rev(P6), (m_ct2,m_ct3)) 4.12s
CPUT7 2 p7_ct1 [8 4 3 6 5 7 2 1] (rev(P7),(m_ct2,m_ct3)) 3.01s




All our experiments were performed on Intel Core2 Duo CPU 2.40Ghz machine with 2.00 GB of RAM.