social golfer

Social golfer is one of the famous problems in the CSPLib (prob010). We have m social golfers, n weeks and k groups of l size. Each golfer plays once a week in groups of l golfers. The problem is to build a schedule of play for all golfers over the n weeks such that no golfer plays in the
same group as any other golfer more than one time.
The model-oracle can be built by two constraints ( m_ct1 and m_ct2 ), the first one to specify that each group has exactly l golfers (group size). The second one to say that each pair of golfers meets only at most once.

  • The model-oracle can after be improved using static symmetry breaking. The symmetry can be broken by selective assignment. We get a model with five constraints, we inject in each constraint a fault to get at the end five faulty CPUTs (CPUT1 to CPUT5).
  • CPUT1
  • CPUT2
  • CPUT3
  • CPUT4
  • CPUT5

tab3. Fault detection and localization of social golfer problem.

G.rulers #_constr. fault_injected non.conf._detected fault localization time
CPUT1 5 p1_ct1 sol(CPUT1)=emptyset (rev(p1_ct1),emptyset) 1.04s
CPUT2 5 p2_ct2 [4 6 3 1 5 2 3 5 4 6] (rev(P2), (m_ct2)) 0.18s
CPUT3 5 p3_ct3 sol(CPUT3)=emptyset (rev(p3_ct3),emptyset) 1.05s
CPUT4 5 p4_ct4 sol(CPUT4)=emptyset (rev(p4_ct4,p4_ct5),emptyset) 1.03s


sol(CPUT5)=emptyset (rev(p5_ct5),emptyset) 1.15s
nc1= [[1 1 1 1][1 2 2 2][1 3 3 3] [2 1 3 3][2 2 2 1][2 2 1 1][3 3 3 2][3 1 1 2][3 3 2 3]]



All our experiments were performed on Intel Core2 Duo CPU 2.40Ghz machine with 2.00 GB of RAM.