

ClosedPattern in choco (weak and domain consistency versions).


How to use:

Syntaxe : java [-options] -jar closedpattern.jar [args...]
(to execute closedpattern JAR)
where options are:
-h or --help: for help
-d or --dataset: to specify the dataset
-m or --minsup: to specify the minimum support (relative frequency(%)
-wc: to maintain a weak consistency (DC is maintained by default)
-p or -- print: to print the patterns
-t or -timeout: to specify a timeout resolution in seconds (one hour is allocated by default)


ClosedPattern in GECODE (standard version).

How to use:

To compile use: make

To execute use: ./GC4CIM "dataset" minsup(%) minsize (optional)


ClosedPattern in GECODE (user's constraints version).

How to use:

To compile use: make

To execute use: ./main "databaset" minusup(%) #items_categories  #transactions_categories LB_items UB_Items LB_transaction UB_transactions







N. Lazaar, Y. Lebbah, S. Loudni, M. Maamar, V. Lemiere, C. Bessiere and P. Boizumault. A global constraint for closed itemset mining. CP'2016. [paper][slide]


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