ANR FLITTLA project: Research Engineer position

The ANR project FLITTLA invites applications for a Research Engineer to work in the field of information theory and its interaction with computer science at the LIRMM (Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier), France.


The research will be done in accordance with the research topics of the project FLITTLA (Fundamental Laws of Information Theory through the Lens of Applications).

Context: The project studies the interactions between classical and algorithmic information theories and their applications. The objective of this project is the study of fundamental quantities of algorithmic information theory, such as mutual information and its generalizations. In general, we are interested in the universal constraints for these quantities. We focus on laws of information theory that can be applied to other areas of theoretical computer science, including problems of communication complexity and secret key agreement.

Several relevant publications:

We encourage the candidate to visit the page of the online seminar on algorithmic aspects of information theory.

Location and team

This position is attached to LIRMM, CNRS. The project supervisor is Andrei Romashchenko. Other potential collaborators within the project are Alexander Shen and other project members present at the LIRMM and potentially at the LaBRI and the IRIF.

Starting date and duration

The duration of the contract is 12 months.


The applications should be submitted at The required documents are

Feel free to contact for further information information.

Last update: April 11 2024