conceptual vectors

advanced knn


Advanced knn search

From a set of terms (or specific submeanings) a request vector may be computed and then compared to vectors of known terms. The n closest terms at distance dist from the request are displayed (sorted by increasing distance).

By setting dist to 0 you get the same than standard form. By setting dist to 0.785 (pi / 4) you will items that are midly away. To get the farthest ones, you should set dist to 1.57 (pi / 2).

Associated words at fixed dist . Get the to distance of

options with the source lexicon as  and the target lexicon as 
with the request computing method as


Synonym distance evaluation

Syn dist eval the distance evaluated synonym list of


last update6 october 2001

mathieu lafourcade LIRMM - 161, rue ADA - 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France - Tél : (33) 04 67 41 85 71 - Fax : (33) 04 67 41 85 00 - courriel :