
ALPACA network starts

An EU funded network launched in 2021.

Efficient Construction of Hierarchical Overlap Graphs

The hierarchical overlap graph (HOG for short) is an overlap encoding graph that efficiently represents overlaps from a given set $P$ of $n$ strings. A previously known algorithm constructs the HOG in $O(|| P || + n^2)$ time and $O(|| P || +n times …

Novel definition and algorithm for chaining fragments with proportional overlaps

Chaining fragments is a crucial step in genome alignment. Existing chaining algorithms compute a maximum weighted chain with no overlaps allowed between adjacent fragments. In practice, using local alignments as fragments, instead of MEMs, generates …

STAR: an algorithm to Search for Tandem Approximate Repeats

Motivation: Tandem repeats consist in approximate and adjacent repetitions of a DNA motif. Such repeats account for large portions of eukaryotic genomes and have also been found in other life kingdoms. Owing to their polymorphism, tandem repeats have …

Fast Discerning Repeats in DNA Sequences with a Compression Algorithm

Long direct repeats in genomes arise from molecular duplication mechanisms like retrotransposition, copy of genes, exon shuffling, ... Their study in a given sequence reveals its internal repeat structure as well as part of its evolutionary history. …