
Congratulations to Nikolay Romashchenko on his successful PhD defense

Nikolay earned his PhD in Computer Science on December 15th 2021.

Welcome to Charlotte

Charlotte Dubec joins the team for an internship in collaboration with SpyGen company.

PEWO framework hosts a new tool

PEWO hosts, App-Spam, a new phylogenetic placement tool

PEWO presented at ALPHY meeting

Learn about PEWO online!

Publication in Bioinformatics

SHERPAS' paper accetped in the journal Bioinformatics

PEWO benchmarking framework tool got published

PEWO: a collection of workflows to benchmark phylogenetic placement Benjamin Linard, Nikolai Romashchenko, Fabio Pardi, Eric Rivals Bioinformatics, btaa657, 2020 Free author version

Sherpas detects recombination in virus strains

Sherpas is a new NGS tool capable of predicting recombination in viral read sequences, given a tree and reference sequences of known virus groups. See preprint on bioRxiv (Posted June 22, 2020): Rapid screening and detection of inter-type viral recombinants using phylo-k-mers 10.1101/2020.06.22.161422