Vertex-partitions of planar graphs

Let us consider the following classes of graphs:

  • I the class of empty graphs,
  • F the class of forests,
  • Fk the class of forests with maximum degree at most k,
  • P the class of paths,
  • Pk the class of paths ol length at most k,
  • S the class of star forests,
  • Sk the class of star forests with maximum degree at most k,
  • Dk the class of graphs with maximum degree at most k,
  • dk the class of k-degenerate graphs,
  • Ok the class of graphs of order k.

Observe that: d1=F, D0=I, D1=S1=F1

Consider i classes of graphs G1, . . . , Gi. A (G1, . . . , Gi)-partition of a graph G is a vertex-partition into i sets V1,...,Vi such that, for all 1 <= j <= i, the graph G[Vj] induced by Vj belongs to Gj. For example, a (I,F,d2)-partition is a vertex-partition into three sets V1,V2,V3 such that G[V1] is an empty graph, G[V2] is a forest, and G[V3] is a 2-degenerate graph.


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Thanks to Ilkyoo Choi, François, Dross, Pascal Ochem.

Keywords: graph theory, graphs, partition, vertex, planar graphs, given girth

Vertex-partitions of planar graphs

The 3-Color Problem