Laure Morelle

About me

I am a third-year PhD student in the AlGCo team at the LIRMM lab in Montpellier, France, under the supervision of Ignasi Sau and Dimitrios M. Thilikos.

My main interests are algorithms and graph theory, and more specifically parameterized algorithms for graph modification problems.

Here is my CV (last updated: October 2024).



You might have seen me there:

Research visit in Bergen 2, Research visit in Bergen (talk), Algoridam workshop in Fontainebleau (talk), JCALM 2023 in Montpellier, JGA 2023 in Lyon (talk), STRUG Bootcamp 2023 in Warsaw, ALGO 2023 in Amsterdam (paper presentation at IPEC), ICALP 2023 in Paderborn (paper presentation), FPT Fest 2023 in Bergen (talk), LoGAlg 2022 in Montpellier, JGA 2022 in Paris (talk), CoA 2022 in Paris, GROW 2022 in Koper, ICGT 2022 in Montpellier, APGA 2022 in Calp.

I additionally gave several talks in the AlGCo seminar in LIRMM, Montpellier.

Teaching (in French)​

Université de Montpellier

2024-2025 (64h):

  • TD & TP Modélisation et programmation Objet 2, L2
  • Algorithmique 3, L2

2023-2024 (64h):

  • TD & TP Utilisation des Systèmes Informatiques, L1
  • TP Algorithmique 2, L1

2022-2023 (64h):

  • TP Algorithmique 1, L1
  • TD & TP Algorithmique 2, L1

Other (in French)


  • Animation à la Fête de la Science
  • Animation pour des stagiaires de 3ème


  • Animation pour les 30 ans du LIRMM
  • Participation à l’organisation de ICGT
  • Participation à l’organisation de LoGAlg