GraphIK (Graphs for Inferences on Knowledge) is a joint team between INRIA (Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée center), the University of Montpellier 2, CNRS and INRA. It has been created in 2010.
ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur) is a publicly owned body and creates and manages information-based tools and services for the University and Research communities within the framework of French national strategy.
IASI (Artificial Intelligence and Inference Systems) is a research team of LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique) of Paris Sud University. IASI group focuses its work on the topic of information integration for several years. Its current activities are centered on the following themes:
- Knowledge and Data Integration
- Ontology-based Data and Document Management
- Efficient XML and RDF Data Management
- Reasoning over Distributed Systems
The responsible for LRI: Fatiha Saïs (web site)
The LRI members involved in the project are:
- Nathalie Pernelle (web site)
- Fatiha Saïs (web site)
- Danai Symeonidou (web site)
The HADAS group is part of LIG (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble). It has been known for years for its work on database systems. It has contributed in the following areas: relational data models, snapshots and their semantics, active and temporal databases and object-oriented database systems. Results of our research have direct impact on applications dealing with huge amounts of data and resources largely distributed in pervasive environments, such as data spaces, e-science, hardware, software and firmware observation, autonomic systems, and the Semantic Web.
The current activities of the group focus on the following themes:
-Accessing data in large-scale systems
-Composing data services in a dynamic way
-Reasoning on data semantics
Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel) is a publicly owned body and manages the repository of all French radio and television audiovisual archives.