Arnaud Gotlieb

photo of Arnaud Gotlieb

Arnaud Gotlieb, Chief Research Scientist/Research Professor at Simula Research Laboratory in Norway, is an expert on the application of Artificial Intelligence to the validation of software-intensive systems, cyber-physical systems including industrial robotics and autonomous systems. Dr. Gotlieb has co-authored more than 120 publications in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering and developed several tools for testing critical software systems. He was the scientific coordinator of the French ANR-CAVERN project (2008-2011) for Inria, led the Research-Based Innovation Center Certus dedicated to Software Validation and Verification (2011-2019) at Simula. He was recently awarded with the prestigious RCN FRINATEK grant for the T-LARGO project on testing learning robots (2018-2022). He leads the industrial pilots experiments of the H2020 AI4EU Project (2019-2022). Dr. Gotlieb has served in many PCs including IJCAI, AAAI, CP, ICSE-SEIP, ICST, ISSRE, co-chaired the scientific program of QSIC 2013, the SEIP track of ICSE 2014, the “Testing and Verification” track of CP from 2016 to 2019. He co-chaired the first IEEE Artificial Intelligence Testing Conference in April 2019.