Emmanuel FAUREResearcher, CNRS Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier ICAR TeamAssociated Researcher, CNRS , Lemaire TeamAssociated Researcher, INRIA , MOSAIC TeamPrincipal Investigator MorphoNetData Officer France BioImaging |
LIRMM Batiment 5, Bureau 3/066 860 Rue de St - Priest 34090 Montpellier (+33) 6 52 97 24 06 emmanuel.faure[at]lirmm.fr |
2023-2026 PhD Geometry Factory | LIRMM - MorphoNet co-supervised with Noura Faraj (UM) , Jane Tournois & Andreas Fabri(Geometry Factory) Ange Clément Génération de maillages tétraédriques à partir d’images 3D+t segmentées |
2022 - Engineer FBI | LIRMM - UM Guillaume Gay France BioImaging . DATA |
2023 - 2025 Engineer FBI | LIRMM - CNRS Dorian Kauffmann France BioImaging . Challenges |
2019 - 2024 Engineer MRI | CRBM - LIRMM - MorphoNet co-supervised with Patrick Lemaire (CNRS) Benjamin Gallean An interactive online morphological browser to explore complex multi-scale data |
2020 - 2024 Engineer FBI | LIRMM - MorphoNet Tao Laurent Virtual Microscopy ( Technology transfer to FBI facilities ) |
2019 - 2022 PhD #DigitAg - INRA | CIRAD - LIRMM co-supervised with Frederic Boudon, Evelyne Costes, Benoit Pallas and Christophe Fiorio Juan Pablo Rojas Bustos Application du deep learning au traitement et la fusion de données LiDAR terrestre et d’imagerie multispectrale et thermique aéroportée pour l’évaluation de traits architecturaux et de fonctionnement d’arbres fruitiers. |
2022 - 2023 Post-Doctorant MUSE | LIRMM Sergei Nikolaev Morphogenesis Multiscale Modeling |
2023 Master 2 Physioscope | Master Imagine Université de Montpellier co-supervised with Jessica Bertheloot (INRAE) and Fréderic Boudon (CIRAD) Aurelien Besnier Intégration de modèle de simulation L-systems au navigateur de structure morphodynamique MorphoNet (MorphoNet - LPY). |
2023 Master 2 Physioscope | Master Imagine Université de Montpellier co-supervised with Noura Faraj (UM) Ange Clément Génération de maillages tétraédriques à partir d’images 3D d’évolution cellulaire. |
2020 - 2022 Post-Doctorant ANR Cell Whisper | LIRMM Gabriel David 4D Deep Learning for Cell Tracking in live embryos. |
2022 Master 2 Physioscope | Master Imagine Université de Montpellier co-supervised with Jessica Bertheloot (INRAE) and Fréderic Boudon (CIRAD) Meredith Ceresole Intégration de modèle de simulation L-systems au navigateur de structure morphodynamique MorphoNet. |
2022 Master 2 ANR Cell Whisper | Master IASD Université de Montpellier co-supervised with Gabriel David Ege Sendogan Spatio-Temporal Instance Segmentation of Embryo Cells |
2021 - 2023 Engineer INRIA | MOSAIC - Hybrid - LIRMM co-supervised with Charles Kervrann (INRIA) Kevin Fournier Link MorphoNet - Virtual Reality - Gnomon |
2019 - 2023 PhD Naviscope | Hybrid - INRIA co-supervised with Ferran Argelaguet(INRIA) and Charles Kervrann (INRIA) Gwendal Fouche Immersive Interaction and Visualization of Temporal 3D Data |
2020 - 2023 PhD MUSE | LIRMM - IRCM co-supervised with Laurent LeCam (ICM) Anukriti Srivastava Étude de l'hétérogénéité métabolique du mélanome par l'analyse en apprentissage profond d'images de cytométrie de masse. |
2020 Master 2 KIM MUSE | Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne - Master Machine Learning and Data Mining Guillaume Sacchetti Caractérisation de l'hétérogénité métabolique du mélanome par l'analyse d'images de cytometrie de masse. |
2020 - 2021 Research Engineer LIRMM & NUMEV | Polytech Montpellier Marine Gardeisen Mise en place d'une plateforme de mutualisation des ressources computationnelles. |
2020 Master 2 UM | Université de Montpellier Master Données connaissances et langage naturel Baptiste Darnala Deep Spiking Neural Networks |
2019 Master 2 UPPA | Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour Master Méthodes Stochastiques et Informatique pour la Décision co-supervised with Fréderic Boudon (CIRAD) Rafik Arezki Évaluation des traits architecturaux et de fonctionnement d’arbres fruitiers par imagerie aéroportée |
2016 - 2019 PhD IRIT | ENSEEIHT co-supervised with Josiane Mothe (IRIT) and Pierre Brousset (Oncopole) Sonia Mejbri Deep Learning on multivariate medical data |
2017 Master 2 CRBM | Bioinformatique et Génomique, Université Aix-Marseille Franck Bonardi Impact de la forme 3D et des paramètres physiques de l'hélice d'ADN sur l'activité des équences régulatrices. |
2016 first year IRIT | ENSEEIHT - France Sacha Vanleene 4D Data streaming with Unity Game Engine |
2016 Master 2 IRIT | École Nationale des ingénieurs de Tunis - Tunisia Sonia Mejbri Compression des données 4D de la morphogénèse animale |
2016 Licence IBC | Licence professionnelle image et son parcours 3D temps réel - Puy en Velay - France Etienne Couturier 4D embryogenesis interface visualization |
2013 Master 2 BioEmergences | ENS Cachan - Master Mathematics, Vision and Learning Track - France Raphaël Gorrand Cell Dynamics Reconstruction |
2011 Caltech Student | SURF student - California Institute of Technology - USA Jennifer Kang 4D Gene Expression of S. purpuratus throughout Embryogenesis |
2010 Engeneer ISCPIF | Computer Engineering - Compiègne University of Technology - France Jonathan Denonain Development of a Workflow Web application |
2010 DUT ISCPIF | University Degree in Technology, Computer Science - Limoges - France Antoine Rougier co-supervised by Thierry Savy Database workflow management |
2015 - 2018 | CNRS Researcher Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (CNRS UMR 5505) Toulouse - France REVA Team |
2014 - 2015 | PostDoctoral Researcher Computational Biology Institute - Virtual Plants (INRIA) - CRBM (CNRS UMR 5237) Montpellier - France with Patrick Lemaire and Christophe Godin Research topics: Morphogenesis multiscale modeling |
2010 - 2014 | Research Engineer ( permanent position ) Center for Research in Applied Epistemology - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS (UMR 7656) - Paris - France with Paul Bourgine |
2012- 2014 | Technical Director BioEmergences Platform (IBISA) - CNRS (FRC 2118) - Gif sur Yvette - France with Nadine Peyriéras Research topics: Morphogenesis multi-scale dynamics reconstruction |
2010 - 2012 | PostDoctoral Researcher Davidson Laboratory - California Institute of Technology - California - USA with Eric Davidson Research topics: Modeling the Gene Regulatory Network |
2009 - 2010 | PostDoctoral Researcher Complex System Institute - Paris - France with Paul Bourgine Research topics: Machine Learning on Complex System Datas |
2005 - 2009 | PhD in Complex Systems and Computer Science |
X Ecole Polytechnique - Paris - France CREA Centre de recherche en épistémologie appliquée - Paris - France Advisor: Paul Bourgine Title: Automated reconstruction of the spatio-temporal lineage tree of the embryo |
2004 - 2005 | Master 2 in Cognitive Science |
EHESS Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - Paris - France ENS Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris - France X Ecole Polytechnique - Paris - France CREA Centre de recherche en épistémologie appliquée - Paris - France Advisor: Paul Bourgine Title: Creation, Design and Analysis of a new experimental platform for studying the influence of a group of standard reinforcement learning. |
2000 - 2001 | Master 2 in Artificial Intelligence |
UT3 Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse - France LAAS Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems - Toulouse - France Advisor: Malik Ghallab Title: Towards a synthesis task hierarchy and attributes hierarchy in planification. |
1999 - 2000 | Master 1 in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence |
UL Laval University - Quebec City - Canada |
1996 - 1999 | Licence in Math and Computer Science |
UB1 Bordeaux 1 University - Bordeaux - France |
Supplementary Training |
10/2010 | Gene Regulatory Networks for Development Marine Biological Laboratory - Woods Hole - USA |
10/2008 | Autumn School Interdisciplinary Systems Biology BIOSYS - Aspet - France |
09/2008 | School Interdisciplinary Topics in Functional Microscopy in Biology MIFOBIO - Carquerainne - France |
09/2007 | School on Parallel Computing CINECA - Bologna - Italy |
09/2006 | School of vision neuro-mathematical Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa - Italy |
11-2023 MifoBio 2023 | Table Ronde AI and Microscopy |
11-2023 MifoBio 2023 | Atelier MorphoNet MorphoNet : How to segment a 3D dataset in just a few clicks? |
02-2021 Qlife winter schools in Quantitative Biology | Numerical Workshop Cell Dynamics in Developmental Systems |
07-2019 CAp 2019 | Organizer Member La Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique |
10-2018 TSDL 2018 | Main Symposium Organizer -- 2 days, 10 Speakers, 300 attendes Toulouse Symposium on Deep Learning |
03-2018 Spring School | Data Instructor -- Workshop organized by Patrick Lemaire and Christophe Godin A multidisciplinary approach to animal and plant morphogenesis |
03-2018 Workshop | Workshop co-organizer with Sylvain Cussat Blanc Modélisation et Simulation pour les sciences du vivant |
02-2018 Workshop | Workshop co-organizer with Josianne Mothe Rencontres : Information médicale, Recherche d’information et Sciences des données |
2016 Workshop | Workshop organizer Rencontre des équipes VORTEX de l'IRIT et ICAR au LIRMM |
2010 GridDay | Conference co-organizer Multi-scale data mass and grid processing Organizers: Arnaud Banos, Emmanuel Faure, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Romain Reuillon |
2010 Contest | Dataset Organizer Active Learning Challenge Organizers : Isabelle Guyon - Berkeley - USA |
2006-2009 Embryomics | Technical Coordinator Embryomics European Project Reconstructing in space and time the cell lineage tree Manager : Nadine Peyriéras |
2008-2009 AFIA | Lecture Group Coordinator at the ISCPIF Machine Learning Lecture Group French Association for Artificial Intelligence |
2007 | Research internship Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Bologna University - Italy Advisor : Alexandro Sarti Research topic: Cells tracking with high level features |
2022 - 2024 FBI | MorphoNet VR Virtual Microscopy : from microscope to virtual reality |
2022 - 2023 INRAE | Physioscope Un nouvel outil pour l'exploration du réseau contrôlant l'architecture de la plante Manager : Jessica BERTHELOOT |
2022 - 2024 M3 | MUSE - Trempling ERC MorphoGenesis Multiscale Modeling |
2021 - 2023 FBI | MorphoNet Technology transfer to FBI facilities |
2020 - 2023 Mel-Eco | MUSE Computational modeling of melanoma cellular ecosystem heterogeneity Manager : Nathalie Bonnefoy |
2019 - 2024 Cell Whisper | ANR A quantitative developmental biology project aiming at a mechanistic understanding of an original cell communication mechanism, the area-of-contact-dependent cell signaling Manager : Patrick Lemaire |
2019 - 2021 MorphoNet | Région Occitanie - SATT AXLR An interactive online morphological browser to explore complex multi-scale data Manager : Emmanuel Faure |
2019 - 2020 4DeepEmbryos | Labex Numev Apprentissage profond pour la reconstruction d’images biologiques 4D Manager : Emmanuel Faure |
2013 - 2015 e-Laboratory | Designing and sharing new theoretical and methodological tools e-Laboratory on Embryome Digital Campus Manager : Nadine Peyriéras |
2012 - 2013 GeNeTool | Dynamic Boolean model of endomesoderm gene regulatory network Davidson Laboratory - California Institute of Technology - California - USA |
2012 - 2014 ESEA - CLOUD | ANR Emergence Massive parallel computing platform for cloud computing Manager : Pierre Collet |
2011 - 2014 TEFOR | Infrastructure Biologie Santé Innovative services and tools for research on embryogenesis Manager: Jean-Stéphane Joly |
2011 - 2014 FBI | National Research Infrastructure France Bio-Imaging Manager : Maïté Coppey-Moisan |
2023 link | BioRxiv Spectral decomposition unlocks ascidian morphogenesis Joel Dokmegang , Emmanuel Faure , Patrick Lemaire , Ed Munro , Madhav Mani |
2023 link | Frontiers in BioInformatics Immersive and interactive visualization of 3D spatio-temporal data using a space time hypercube: Application to cell division and morphogenesis analysis Gwendal Fouché, Ferran Argelaguet , Emmanuel Faure, Charles Kervrann |
2022 link | Frontiers in BioInformatics Challenges of intracellular visualization using virtual and augmented reality Cesar Augusto Valades-Cruz, Ludovic Leconte, Gwendal Fouché, Thomas Blanc, Nathan van Hille, Kevin Fournier, Tao Laurent, Benjamin Gallean , François Deslandes, Bassam Hajj, Emmanuel Faure, Ferran Argelaguet , Alain Trubuil , Tobias Isenberg , Jean-Baptiste Masson , Jean Salamero, Charles Kervrann |
2021 link | Developmental Cell A multiscale analysis of early flower development in Arabidopsis provides an integrated view of molecular regulation and growth controls Y.Refahi,A.Zardilis, G. Michelin, R.Wightman, B. Leggio, J. Legrand, E. Faure, L. Vachez, A. Armezzani, AE Risson, F. Zhao, P. Das, N. Prunet, E. M.Meyerowitz, C. Godin, G. Malandain, H. Jönsson, J. Traas. |
2020 link | Science Contact Area-Dependent Cell Communication and the Morphological Invariance of Ascidian Embryogenesis L. Guignard, UM. Fiúza, B. Leggio , J. Laussu, E. Faure, G. Michelin, K. Biasuz, L. Hufnagel, G. Malandain, C. Godin, P. Lemaire |
2020 link | bioRxiv Multiscale mechanical model for cell division orientation in developing biological systems B. Leggio, J. Laussu, E. Faure, P. Lemaire, C. Godin |
2019 link | Nature Communications MorphoNet: an interactive online morphological browser to explore complex multi-scale data B. Leggio, J. laussu, A. Carlier, C. Godin, P. Lemaire, and E. Faure |
2019 PDF | Nuclei Acid Research ANISEED 2019: 4D exploration of genetic data for an extended range of tunicates J. Dardaillon, D. Dauga, P. Simion, E. Faure, T. A Onuma, M. B DeBiasse, A. Louis, K. R Nitta, M. Naville, L. Besnardeau, W. Reeves, K. Wang, M. Fagotto, M. Guéroult-Bellone, S. Fujiwara, R. Dumollard, M. Veeman, JN. Volff, HR. Crollius, E. Douzery, J. F Ryan, B. Davidson, H. Nishida, C. Dantec and P. Lemaire |
2018 PDF | Developmental Biology Transcriptional regulation of the Ciona Gsx gene in the neural plate C. Hudson, R. Esposito, A. Palladino, L. Staiano, D. Ferrier, E. Faure, P. Lemaire, H. Yasuo and A. Spanguolo |
2018 PDF | Current Opinion in Systems Biology The “computable egg”: Myth or useful concept? K. Biasuz, B. Leggio, E. Faure and P. Lemaire |
2017 PDF | bioRxiv and Science (under review ) Contact-dependent cell-cell communications drive morphological invariance during ascidian embryogenesis L. Guignard*, U.M. Fiuza*, B. Leggio, E. Faure, J. Laussu, L. Hufnagel, G. Malandain, C. Godin and P. Lemaire(*equally contributing) |
2017 PDF | Nuclei Acid Research ANISEED 2017: extending the integrated ascidian database to the exploration and evolutionary comparison of genome-scale datasets M. Brozovic,C. Dantec,J. Dardaillon,D. Dauga,E. Faure,M. Gineste,A. Louis,M. Naville,KR. Nitta,J. Piette,W. Reeves,C. Scornavacca,P. Simion,R. Vincentelli,M. Bellec,SB. Aicha,M. Fagotto,M. Guéroult-Bellone,M. Haeussler,E. Jacox,EK. Lowe,M. Mendez,A. Roberge,A. Stolfi,R. Yokomori, CT. Brown,C. Cambillau,L. Christiaen,F. Delsuc,E. Douzery,R. Dumollard,T. Kusakabe,K. Nakai,H. Nishida,Y. Satou,B. Swalla,M. Veeman,JN. Volff andP. Lemaire |
2016 PDF | Nature Communication A workflow to process 3D+time microscopy images of developing organisms and reconstruct their cell lineage E. Faure*, T. Savy*, B. Rizzi*, C. Melani*, O. Strasova*, D. Fabrèges*, R. Spir, M. Hammons, R. Cunderlík, G. Recher, B. Lombardot, L. Duloquin, I. Colin, J. Kollár, S. Desnoulez, P. Affaticati, B. Maury, A. Boyreau, J.Y. Nief, P. Calvat,P. Vernier, M. Frain, G. Lutfalla, Y. Kergosien, P. Suret,M. Remesíková,R. Doursat, A. Sarti, K. Mikula, N. Peyriéras and P. Bourgine (*equally contributing) |
2014 PDF | Applied Numerical Mathematics. Nonlinear PDE based numerical methods for cell tracking in zebrafish embryogenesis K. Mikula, R. Spir, M. Smisek, E. Faure and N. Peyriéras |
2013 PDF | Journal of Computational Biology A New Software Package for Predictive GRN Modeling and Redesign E. Faure*, I.S. Peter* and E.H. Davidson (*equally contributing) |
2012 PDF | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences identified by the Editorial Board as reporting findings of exceptional significance Predictive computation of genomic logic processing functions in embryonic development E. Faure*, I.S. Peter* and E.H. Davidson (*equally contributing) |
2012 PDF | Transactions on Image Processing - IEEE 3D+t Morphological Processing: Applications to Embryogenesis Image Analysis M.A. Luengo-Oroz, D. Pastor, C. Castro, E. Faure, T. Savy, B. Lombardot, J.L. Rubio-Guivernau, L. Duloquin, M.J. Ledesma-Carbayo, P. Bourgine, N. Peyriéras and A. Santos |
2011 PDF | Transactions on Image Processing - IEEE Methodology for reconstructing early zebrafish development from in vivo multiphoton microscopy M.A. Luengo-Oroz, J.L. Rubio-Guivernau, E. Faure, T. Savy, L. Duloquin, N. Olivier, D. Pastor, M.J. Ledesma-Carbayo, D. Debarre, P. Bourgine, E. Beaurepaire, N. Peyriéras and A. Santos |
2010 PDF | Science Cell Lineage Reconstruction of Early Zebrafish Embryos Using Label-Free Nonlinear Microscopy N. Olivier*, M.A. Luengo-Oroz*, L. Duloquin*, E. Faure, T. Savy, I. Veilleux, X. Solina, D. Débarre, P. Bourgine, A. Santos, N. Peyriéras and E. Beaurepaire (*equally contributing) |
2010 PDF | Development Dual mechanism controls asymmetric spindle position in ascidian germ cell precursors F. Prodon, J. Chenevert, C. Hébras, R. Dumollard, E. Faure, J. Gonzalz-Garcia, H. Nishida, C. Sarder and A. McDougall |
2010 PDF | Image and Vision Computing Invited Paper : 8/97 for NICE-I challenge [nice1.di.ubi.pt] Robust iris segmentation on uncalibrated noisy images using mathematical morphology M.A Luengo-Oroz, E. Faure and J. Angulo |
2022 link | ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology Timeline Design Space for Immersive Exploration of Time-Varying Spatial 3D Data Gwendal Fouché, Ferran Argelaguet , Emmanuel Faure, Charles Kervrann |
2022 link | 11th International Tunicate Meeting - Japan MorphoNet fully connected with Anissed B. Gallean, T. Laurent, K. Biasuz, P. Lemaire, and E. Faure |
2019 link | BioImaging - Prague - Czech Republic Deep Analysis of CNN Settings for New Cancer whole-slide Histological Images Segmentation: the Case of Small Training Sets S. Mejbri, C. Franchet, R. Ismat-Ara, J. Mothe, P. Brousset, and E. Faure |
2019 link | ASPAI - Barcelona - Spain Training Set Class Distribution Analysis for Deep Learning Model – Application to Cancer Detection R. Ismat-Ara, M. Gaspard, C. Franchet, P. Brousset, E. Faure, S. Mejbri and J. Mothe |
2017 Abstract | ACM Multimedia, Mountain View - USA Outlining Objects for Interactive Segmentation on Touch Devices M. Pizenberg, A. Carlier, E. Faure, V. Charvillat |
2017 Paper | Machine Learning for Health (ML4H 2017), Long Beach - USA Cost-Effective Active Learning for Melanoma Segmentation M. Gorriz Blanch, A. Carlier, E. Faure, X. Giro I Nieto |
2017 | 9th International Tunicate Meeting- New York - USA The 4D Cloud Embryos B. Leggio, J. Laussu, C. Godin, P. Lemaire and E.Faure |
2012 Abstract | Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXI - Woods Hole - USA A quantitative framework to define normal embryonic development and its range of variation P. Villoutreix, L. Duloquin, B. Rizzi, E. Faure, T Savy and N. Peyriéras |
2012 Abstract | Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXI - Woods Hole - USA Reconstruction of a Digital Sea Urchin Embryo during Early Development B. Rizzi, L. Duloquin, T Savy, P. Villoutreix, E. Faure and N. Peyriéras |
2011 Abstract | Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and European Conference on Computational Biology - Chicago - USA} Processing pipeline for the digitalizing the lineage tree of early zebrafish embryogenesis from multiharmonic imaging M.A. Luengo-Oroz, J.L. Rubio-Guivernau, E. Faure, T Savy, L. Duloquin, N. Olivier, M.J. Ledesma-Carbayo, D. Debarre, P. Bourgine, E. Beaurepaire, N. Peyriéras and A. Santos |
2010 Poster | Morphogenesis in Living Systems - Paris - France Relevance of the SPIM/DSLM for in toto, in vivo imaging V.V. Gurchenkov, J.L. Rubio, L. Duloquin, E. Faure, J.F. Gille, M. Frain, N. Peyriéras. |
2010 Article | Advanced Information Networking and Applications - IEEE - Perth - Australie Global Strategy of Active Machine Learning for Complex Systems : Embryogenesis Application on Cell Division Detection E. Faure, C. Taramasco, J. Demongeot, L. Duloquin, B. Lombardot, N. Peyriéras and P. Bourgine |
2010 Poster | ITMO Neurosciences, 10th Neurobiology Conferences Ladislav Tauc - Gif sur Yvette - France BioEmergences Platform L. Duloquin*, T. Savy*, E. Faure*, C. Melani*,P. Bourgine and N. Peyriéras (* equally contributing) |
2009 Poster | Morphogenesis in Living Systems - Paris - France Best Poster Price for 4 Images Multi-Scale Reconstruction E. Faure, N.Peyriéras and P. Bourgine |
2008 Article | Microscopic image analysis with application in biology - MIAAB08 workshop of IEEE - New-York - USA Evaluation of four 3D non rigid registration methods applied to early zebrafish development sequences B.Lombardot, M.A.Luengo-Oroz, C.Melani, E. Faure, A.Santos, N.Peyriéras, M.Ledesma-Carbayo and P. Bourgine |
2008 Article | ISBI - Biomedical Imaging : From Nano to Macro - Paris Can voronoi diagram model cell geometries in early sea-urchin embryogenesis ? M.A. Luengo-Oroz, L. Duloquin, C. Castro, T. Savy, E. Faure, B. Lombardot, P. Bourgine, N. Peyriéras and A. Santos |
2007 Article | European Conference on Complex Systems - Dresden - Germany Active Learning For Embryogenesis E. Faure, B. Lombardot, M.A. Luengo-Oroz, M. Campana, N. Peyriéras, R. Doursat and P. Bourgine |
2007 Article | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - San Antonio, Texas - USA Twister segment morphological filtering. A new method for live Zebrafish embryos confocal images processing M.A. Luengo-Oroz, E. Faure, B. Lombardot, R. Sance, P. Bourgine, N. Peyriéras and A. Santos |
2007 Article | International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media - Boulder - USA Intertemporal topic correlations in online media J.P. Cointet, E. Faure and C. Roth |
2007 Poster | System Complex National Network - Paris - France Embryomics E. Faure, B. Lombardot, and M.A. Luengo-Oroz |
2022 | Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy: Principles and Systems Overview - Inserm Workshop MorphoNet is dedicated for Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy ! |
2021 | Digital 113 MorphoNet : a morphodynamic browser to interactively visualize complex 4D image datasets |
2021 | France Bio Imaging 6th Annual Meeting MorphoNet : a morphodynamic browser to interactively visualize complex 4D image datasets coupled with genetic data |
2021 | Quantitative Biology Winter School 2021 Cell Dynamics in Developmental Systems From quantitative microscopy to function analysis of gene function |
2020 | Workshop Modeling Shape and Size in Biological Development MorphoNet |
2020 | Numev 9th Annual Meeting Apprentissage profond pour la reconstruction d’images biologiques 4D |
2017 | Bioinformatics Institute - A*STAR Singapore Towards integrated modeling of animal morphogenesis by data-assimilation |
2017 | Institut de Biologie Computationnelle Annual Scientific Meeting - Montpellier - France Méthodes de reconstructions de l’embryogenèse précoce : de l’acquisition à la visualisation de données 4D |
2016 ppt | Modélisation biostatistique et biomathématique des données d'imagerie en cancérologie - Bordeaux - France A workflow to process 3D+time microscopy images of developing organisms and reconstruct their cell lineage |
2010 ppt | GridDay - Multi-scale data mass and grid processing - Paris - France Automatic Multi-Scale Reconstruction of the spatio-temporal lineage tree of the embryo |
2010 ppt | BioImage Analysis Workshop organized by Uwe Straehle - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany Automatic Reconstruction of the spatio-temporal lineage tree |
2009 | Epigenesis Workshop - Paris Multi-agent modeling for embryogenesis: Heterogeneous collective motion or moving pattern formation ? |
2008 ppt | AFIA - Machine Learning and Causality Teleconference Seminars organized by Nicolas Brodu, Dominik Janzing, Isabelle Guyon and Michele Sebag - Paris - France Active Learning For Embryogenesis |
2008 ppt Universidad de los Andes - Bogota - Colombia
Embryomics - BioEmergences European Project |
2021 Vidéo | Zeste de Science / Les séries originales du CNRS Cris et chuchotements des cellules |
2014 journal | Le journal du CNRS Incubateur de complexité |
2007 article | Le Nouvel Observateur De l’influence des blogs sur la presse J.P. Cointet, E. Faure and C. Roth |
2016 - ... Master 2 | Reconstruction d'embryons à partir d'images 4D HMIN318M Imagerie 3D - Montpellier University - France |
2016 Master / PhD | Reconstruction des dynamiques multi-échelles de la morphogenèse des organismes vivants. Module Image - ICAR - LIRMM - Montpellier - France |
2015 Master / PhD | GRN Boolean Model Morphogenesis Summer School - Montpellier University - France |
2010 , 2012 MIFOBIO | The BioEmergences workflow for the reconstruction of multiscale dynamics in multicellular organisms Ecole de Microscopie fonctionnelle en biologie - France |
2011 BIAT | Strategies for data reconstruction Workshop Bio-Imaging Advanced Training - Lille - France |
2009 Master 2 | Dynamic multi-scale reconstruction in animal morphogenesis Workshop Natural and Industrial Complex Systems Master - Rennes University - France |
2007 Licence | Java : Object-Oriented Programming Licence - LI230 - PARIS VI University - France |
2007 Lesson | Machine Learning Introduction Bologna University - Italy |
2006 Summer School | Desde los pixeles hasta los campos morfo-genéticos : Analisis, modelacion y aprendizaje sobre embriogenesis 6th Summer School in Complex System - Valparaiso - Chile |
PhD Committee | Carlos Castro (2013), Mathieu Bouyrie (2015), Alcia Madwwick (2016), Lijie Guo (2016), Nadia Amara (2017), Sebastien Villon (2020), Inese Ouedraogo (2021) , Guillaume Mougeot (2022) |
Reviewer | Nature, Developmental Biology, IJCNN, Acta Biotheoretica, Region, Idex... |
Art & Science | 2022 Le Monde binaire une petite métaphore de la relation entre l'IA et l'écologie 2014 Futuroscope movie , article 2014 ISCPIF Inauguration article 2013 Cell Memories movie 2013 Modern Dance movie |