• Guillaume Picaud presented his research about AI algorithms for image wound analysis at the DFUC workshop, MICCAI in Marrakech (Marocco).October 2024: Guillaume Picaud presented his research about AI algorithms for image wound analysis at the DFUC workshop, MICCAI in Marrakech (Morocco).
  • William Puech, Norman Hutte and Erwan Reinders presented their work on multimedia security at IPTA conference in Rabat (Morocco).October 2024: (from left to right) William Puech, Norman Hutte and Erwan Reinders presented their work on multimedia security at IPTA conference in Rabat (Morocco).
  • Tao Laurent and Dorian Kauffmann (taking the picture) held a stand at the Montpellier Fête de la Science, organized at the Village des sciencesOctober 2024: Tao Laurent and Dorian Kauffmann (taking the picture) held a stand at the Montpellier Fête de la Science, organized at the Village des sciences.
  • Nicolas Dibot successfully defended his PhD thesis.September 2024: Nicolas Dibot successfully defended his PhD thesis on using IA algorithms to study the attractiveness of faces among mandrils and humans.
  • Robin Jarry successfully defended his PhD thesis.September 2024: Robin Jarry successfully defended his PhD thesis on Deep Learning methods for the prediction of socio-economic data from a sequence of satellite images.
  • A new researcher, Nicolas Lutz, arrived in the research-team ICAR.September 2024: A new researcher, Nicolas Lutz, arrived in the ICAR team.
  • ICAR leader 2024September 2024: The ICAR team leader is now Olivier Strauss (right). The deputy team leader is Noura Faraj (left).
  • Prof. Woon-Seng Gan (NTU, Singapore), IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, was invited by the ICAR team to give a talk at LIRMM.August 2024: Prof. Woon-Seng Gan (NTU, Singapore), IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, was invited by the ICAR team to give a talk at LIRMM.
  • Olivier Strauss and Tristan Cossin presented their research on imprecise filtering and control at the IPMU conference in Lisbon.July 2024: Olivier Strauss and Tristan Cossin presented their research on imprecise filtering and control at the IPMU conference in Lisbon (Portugal).
  • Seminar of the ICAR team in the old town of Montpellier.July 2024: Seminar of the ICAR team in the old town of Montpellier.
  • Marc Hartley received the best student award at the Computer Graphics International conference in Geneva (Switzerland).July 2024: Marc Hartley received the best student award at the Computer Graphics International conference in Geneva (Switzerland).
  • Hard time at the <I>Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle</I> conference in La Rochelle (France) for the ICAR Ph.D. students (closest to furthest: R. Jarry, G. Fourret, K. Planolles, G. Picaud)!July 2024: Hard time at the Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle conference in La Rochelle (France) for the ICAR Ph.D. students (closest to furthest: R. Jarry, G. Fourret, K. Planolles, G. Picaud)!
  • Eugênio Dias Riebiero Neto (at center) spent 1 month in South-East Asia with CIRAD collaborators of the SEA-Dog-SEA project.June 2024: Eugênio Dias Ribiero Neto (at center) spent 1 month in South-East Asia with CIRAD collaborators of the SEA-Dog-SEA project.
  • The Light My Cells Challenge team (Emmanuel Faure and Dorian Kauffmann) at ISBI 2024 in Athens (Greece)May 2024: The Light My Cells Challenge team (Emmanuel Faure and Dorian Kauffmann) at IEEE ISBI conference in Athens (Greece).
  • Marc Hartley received the best student award at the Computer Graphics International conference in Geneva (Switzerland).April 2024: William Puech presented his research on 3D mesh encryption at the IEEE ICASSP conference in Seoul (Korea).
  • Juan Pablo Rojas successfully defended his PhD thesis.April 2024: Juan Pablo Rojas successfully defended his PhD thesis on application of Deep Learning for the evaluation of the architecture of fruit trees.
  • Vincent Creuze created a new research team called RSM.March 2024: Vincent Creuze created a new research team called RSM on underwater robotics and left ICAR team. Frédéric Comby will also work part-time with RSM.
  • Emmanuel Faure defended his HDR.February 2024: Emmanuel Faure successfully defended his Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches on quantitative morphogenesis.
  • Yassine Hmidy successfully defended his PhD thesis.December 2023: Yassine Hmidy successfully defended his PhD thesis on imprecise linear modelling.
  • Bianca Jansen Van Rensburg successfully defended her PhD thesis.November 2023: Bianca Jansen Van Rensburg successfully defended her PhD thesis on security of 3D data.
  • The JFIG2023 workshop, an event which gathered more than 110 French experts in the field of computer graphics was organized in Montpellier by Noura Faraj.November 2023: the JFIG2023 workshop, which gathered more than 110 French experts in computer graphics, was organized in Montpellier by Noura Faraj.
  • Anass Bairouk successfully defended his PhD thesis.October 2023: Anass Bairouk successfully defended his PhD thesis on astronomical image time-series classification.
  • Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech presented their research at the IEEE ICIP conference in Kuala-Lumpur (Malaysia).October 2023: there were 2 ICAR stands (one with Cyril Barrelet and March Chaumont and the other with Tao Laurent and Benjamin Gallean) at the Fête de la Science organized at LIRMM.
  • Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech presented their research at the IEEE ICIP conference in Kuala-Lumpur (Malaysia).October 2023: Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech presented their research on watermarking and compression at the IEEE ICIP conference in Kuala-Lumpur (Malaysia).
  • Nicolas Dibot spent 3 months in the Centre international de recherches médicales de Franceville (Gabon) to analyze the behavior of mandrills when seeing AI-generated images of other mandrills.September 2023: Nicolas Dibot spent 3 months in the Centre international de recherches médicales de Franceville (Gabon) to analyze the behavior of mandrills when seeing AI-generated images of other mandrills, in the context of his Ph.D. theses cosupervised by William Puech.
  • Laetitia Lemière successfully defended his PhD thesis.September 2023: Laetitia Lemière successfully defended her PhD thesis on digital tools to assist the design of agroforestry systems.
  • Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech presented their research at the IEEE MMSP workshop in Poitiers (France).September 2023: Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech presented their research at the IEEE MMSP workshop in Poitiers (France).
  • Marc Chaumont presented his research on reidentification at the GRETSI conference in Grenoble (France).August 2023: Marc Chaumont presented his research on reidentification at the GRETSI conference in Grenoble (France).
  • Marc Chaumont presented his research on steganalysis at the IEEE ICASSP conference.June 2023: Marc Chaumont presented his research on steganalysis at the IEEE ICASSP conference in Rhodes (Greece).
  • 4 Ph.D. students of the ICAR team presented their work at the CORESA conference in Lille.June 2023: 4 Ph.D. students of the ICAR team (B. Jansen van Rensburg, E. Reinders, G. Fourret, G. Picaud) presented their research at the CORESA conference in Lille (France).
  • Noura Faraj was nominated Young Researcher Fellow.April 2023: Noura Faraj was nominated Young Researcher Fellow by the French Chapter of Eurographics.
  • Bianca Jansen van Rensburg presented her work to the Occitanie-Est final of Ma Thèse en 180 secondes competition.March 2023: Bianca Jansen van Rensburg presented her work to the Occitanie-Est final of "Ma Thèse en 180 secondes" competition.
  • Emmanuel Faure (left) and Guillaume Gay (right) animated the France Bio Imaging.data Sprint: a week to work on FAIR image data management.February 2023: Emmanuel Faure (left) and Guillaume Gay (right) animated the France Bio Imaging Data Sprint - a week to work on FAIR image data management.
  • a new poster describes the work of the ICAR researchers.February 2023: a new poster describes the work of the ICAR researchers.
  • Bianca Jansen van Rensburg presented at Electronic Imaging 2023 a paper which describes the first results of Samuel Ducros's PhD.January 2023: Bianca Jansen van Rensburg presented at Electronic Imaging 2023 a paper which describes the first results of Samuel Ducros's PhD.
  • Maxime Chapuis successfully defended his PhD.December 2022: Maxime Chapuis successfully defended his PhD thesis on the analysis of 3D dental models.
  • 6 ICAR members attended the JFIG'2022 workshopNovember 2022: 6 ICAR members attended the JFIG workshop and presented 2 papers. The next edition in 2023 will be organized by the team in Montpellier!
  • Anthony Brunel successfully defended his PhD thesis on autonomous exploration planning by an aerial drone to reconstruct complex environnements.November 2022: Anthony Brunel successfully defended his PhD thesis on autonomous exploration planning by an aerial drone to reconstruct complex environnements.
  • November 2022: The MMSP'2022 paper, written by Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech, was shortlisted for the Top 10% Paper Award of the workshopNovember 2022: the paper written by Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and William Puech was shortlisted for the Top 10% Paper Award of MMSP'2022.
  • October 2022: Yacine Hmidy and Olivier Srauss attended ICIP'2022 in Paris (France) and Toulouse (France). met there former ICAR studentsYacine Hmidy (right) and Olivier Srauss (left) attended the international conference SUM'2022 in Paris (France) and then went to Toulouse (France) for LFA'22.
  • October 2022: William Puech attended ICIP'2022 in Bordeaux (France) and met there former ICAR studentsOctober 2022: William Puech attended ICIP'2022 in Bordeaux (France) and met there 3 former ICAR PhD and Master students (Pauline Puteaux, Lionel Pibre and Felix Yriarte).
  • October 2022: Cyril Barrelet spent 2 weeks in Venice to implement algorithms on the cable robot of the MAELSTROM European Project.October 2022: Cyril Barrelet spent 3 weeks in Venice to implement algorithms on the cable robot of the MAELSTROM European Project.
  • Benjamin Galléan (left) and Tao Laurent (right) presented a demonstration of MorphoNet VR.October 2022: Benjamin Galléan (left) and Tao Laurent (right) presented a demonstration of MorphoNet VR for the 30th anniversary of the LIRMM.
  • Anass Bairouk presented his PhD research.September 2022: Anass Bairouk presented his PhD research at the IN2P3/IRFU Machine Learning Workshop.
  • Morgan Fouque successfully defended in his PhD thesis.September 2022: Morgan Fouque successfully defended his PhD thesis on inspection of manufactured objects via terahertz imaging.
  • GRETSI 2022September 2022: Anass Bairouk (left) and Cyril Barrelet (right) presented their research work at GRETSI 2022 in Nancy (France).
  • ICPR 2022August 2022: Marc Chaumont (left) and Cyril Barrelet (right) attended ICPR 2022 in Montreal (Canada) and presented their research work at the CVAUI workshop.
  • ICAR leader 2022July 2022: The ICAR team leader is now Marc Chaumont (left) who succeeded to Gérard Subsol (right). The deputy team leader is still William Puch (center).
  • Prix Thèse FavierApril 2022: Valentin Favier received the Interdisciplinary PhD Thesis Award of the Collège Doctoral of the University of Montpellier.
  • INS2IApril 2022: interview in the CNRS journal of Pauline Puteaux, former ICAR Ph.D. student and currently CNRS researcher.
  • Electronic Imaging 2022February 2022: Marc Chaumont was nominated IEEE Senior Member.
  • Electronic Imaging 2022January 2022: As many researchers, Maxime Chapuis (right) presented remotely his work at Electronic Imaging 2022.
  • InnovationPrize2021December 2021: Vincent Creuze received the 2021 Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Systems Innovation Prize of Montpellier Université Excellence.
  • WIFS2021December 2021: the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security was chaired by William Puech and organized in Montpellier by several members of the ICAR team.
  • Valentin Favier successfully defended in his PhD thesis.December 2021: Valentin Favier successfully defended his PhD thesis on simulation of endonasal skull base surgery.
  • Paul Tresson successfully defended in his PhD thesis.December 2021: Paul Tresson successfully defended his PhD thesis on quantification of pest regulation based on image analysis.
  • JFig 2021.November 2021: Noura Faraj (center) and her collaborators (left to right: Thomas Richard, Maxime Chapuis, Marc Hartley and Thibault de Villèle) attended and presented some of their work at Journées Françaises de l'Informatique Graphique 2021, Sophia Antipolis (France).
  • CORESA 2021.November 2021: (from left to right) Maxime Chapuis, William Puech, Hugo Ruiz and Bianca Jansen Van Rensburg (and also Lara Bertojo) presented their work at CORESA 2021, Sophia Antipolis (France). Laura and Hugo's papers were selected to be submitted in a long version in the international journal Signal Processing: Image Communication.
  • Younès Zegaoui successfully defended in his PhD thesis.October 2021: Younès Zegaoui successfully defended his PhD thesis on detection and loclization of urban objects in 3D LiDAR point clouds.
  • Better protection of marine megafauna through artificial intelligenceAugust 2021: Research focus on some Deep-Learning based methods applied to the protection of the marine megafauna (e.g. dugongs). See also this paper).
  • 2 books on multimedia securityJuly 2021: Publication of two books about multimedia security supervised by William Puech with chapters written by several members of the ICAR team.
  • The ICAR research-team belongs to the network ''Tête-Cou'' (Face-Neck) which is one of the French rare-disease clincial research network.April 2021: The ICAR research-team belongs to the network Tête-Cou" (Face-Neck) which is one of the French rare-disease clinical research network.
  • Emmanuel Faure, William Puech and Vincent Creuze participated to science popularization events.March-June 2021: Emmanuel Faure, William Puech and Vincent Creuze participated to science popularization events (Bar des Sciences, Soirée'Cult) or resources (Zeste de Sciences).
  • Publication of a new poster which presents the ICAR Ph.D. students and their research topics.February 2021: Publication of a new poster which presents the ICAR Ph.D. students and their research topics.
  • It it the internship period for Master's students. 10 of them are currently supervised by members of the ICAR team.February 2021: It it the internship period for Master's students. 10 of them are currently supervised by members of the ICAR team.
  • Two Professors of Medicine, Guillaume Captier and Christian Herlin, join the ICAR team as associate researchers.January 2021: two Professors of Medicine, Guillaume Captier (left) and Christian Herlin (right), join the ICAR team as associate researchers.
  • ICAR joins the Montpellier node of France Bio Imaging, The French National Research Infrastructure for Biological Imaging.November 2020: ICAR joins the Montpellier node of France Bio Imaging, the national research infrastructure for biological imaging. Emmanuel Faure is Image Data Co-Officer.
  • Ahmad Zakaria successfully defended in his PhD thesis. November 2020: Ahmad Zakaria successfully defended his PhD thesis (by visioconference) on batch steganography and pooled steganalysis.
  • Destruel October 2020: Christophe Destruel successfully defended his PhD thesis by Validation of Acquired Experience.
  • Pauline Puteaux successfully defended her PhD thesis October 2020: Pauline Puteaux successfully defended her PhD thesis on image processing and analysis in the encrypted domain.
  • ICIP 2020 Top Reviewer Recognition for Marc Chaumont. September 2020: ICIP 2020 Top Reviewer Recognition for Marc Chaumont.
  • Vincent Creuze's research work. September 2020: Vincent Creuze's research work on underwater robotics for preventive archeology is described in the ''CNRS News'' journal.
  • Jean-Daniel Taupiac successfully defended in his PhD thesis. July 2020: Jean-Daniel Taupiac successfully defended his PhD thesis (by visioconference) on the design of relevant learning environments in Virtual Reality.
  • PhD Thesis Award for Florentin Kucharczak. May 2020: PhD Thesis Award for Florentin Kucharczak by the French Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, the French Chapter of IEEE EMBS and AGBM.
  • April 2020: All the members of the ICAR research-team work from home. Research goes on. April 2020: Due to COVID-19 pandemy, all the members of the ICAR research-team work from home. Research goes on.
  • February 2020: Quentin Pentek successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on 3D map generation from an airborne multi-sensor system February 2020: Quentin Pentek successfully defended his PhD thesis on 3D map generation from an airborne multi-sensor system.
  • December 2019: Marion Morand successfully defended her Ph.D .thesis on analysis of 3D symmetry at LIRMM December 2019: Marion Morand successfully defended her PhD thesis on analysis of 3D symmetry.
  • December 2019 : Maxime Ferrera successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on automatic cartography for an underwater robot at LIRMM December 2019 : Maxime Ferrera successfully defended his PhD thesis on automatic cartography for an underwater robot.
  • Noura Faraj received the Vladimir Lorman Prize for the Best Poster Presentation of the 8th scientific days of the LabEx NUMEV. November 2019: Noura Faraj received the Vladimir Lorman Prize for the Best Poster Presentation of the 8th scientific days of the LabEx NUMEV.
  • November 2019: Mehdi Yedroudj successfully defended his Ph.D thesis November 2019: Mehdi Yedroudj successfully defended his PhD thesis on Deep Learning techniques for steganalysis.
  • November 2019: Florentin Kucharczak successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on nuclear medical imaging at LIRMM November 2019: Florentin Kucharczak successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on nuclear medical imaging.
  • November 2019: Sébastien Beugnon successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on 3D mesh security at LIRMM November 2019: Sébastien Beugnon successfully defended his PhD thesis on 3D mesh security.
  • November 2019: Sébastien Villon successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis on fish recognition and identification in underwater images November 2019: Sébastien Villon successfully defended his PhD Thesis on fish recognition and identification in underwater images.
  • October 2019: Christophe Fiorio gave a lecture at Polytech Montpellier on Mobile App Development in front of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. October 2019: Christophe Fiorio gave a lecture at Polytech Montpellier on Mobile App Development in front of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple.
  • William Puech presented ICAR results of the DEFALS challenge in Paris. Notice standing the ANR project manager Loïc Dubois who is a former ICAR Ph.D. student October 2019: William Puech (sitting at extreme left) presented ICAR results of the DEFALS challenge in Paris. Standing is Loïc Dubois, ANR project manager and former ICAR PhD student.
  • September 2019 : P. Tresson (at right) attended the international conference MMSP 2020 where he presented his paper September 2019 : Paul Tresson (at right) and Dominique Carval, Paul’s cosupervisor at CIRAD attended the international conference MMSP 2020.
  • Emmanuel Faure from ICAR team in Montpellier, France and collaborators published a paper in Nature Communications Sept 2019: William Puech and Pauline Puteaux presented a paper at ICIP 2019 in Taipei (Taiwan). Congratulations to Pauline who won the Three Minute Thesis Presentation Award.
  • ICAR team members : scanning of anatomical structures for the Vesale 3D project (Virtual dissection) supported by Muse and involving Guillaume Captier (Professor of Anatomy with CHU Montpellier and ICAR associate researcher), Noura Faraj and Gérard Subsol (third from right). September 2019: 3D surface scanning of anatomical structures (Muse project VESALE 3D). Guillaume Captier (extreme left), Gérard Subsol, Marion Morand (resp. third and second from right).
  • The ICAR research team wish you nice summer holidays. July 2019: The ICAR research team wishes you nice summer holidays !
  • ICAR team members : Younès Zegaoui presents his Ph.D. work about Deep Learning and 3D point cloud at the « Big Data » workshop organized at LIRMM. June 2019: Younès Zegaoui presented his PhD work about Deep Learning and 3D point cloud at the « Big Data » workshop organized at LIRMM.
  • Emmanuel Faure from ICAR team in Montpellier, France and collaborators published a paper in Nature Communications June 2019: Emmanuel Faure and collaborators published a paper in Nature Communications: interactive online morphological browser to explore complex multi-scale data.
  • ICAR team members from Montpellier France were at the Nordic Probabilistic School in Trondheim, Norway. June 2019: Ahmad Oulad Amara participated to the Nordic Probabilistic School in Trondheim, Norway.
  • Thesis of Alexandre Duhant in june 2019 June 2019: Alexandre Duhant successfully defended his PhD Thesis on Terahertz imagery.
  • ICAR team from LIRMM Lab, France are at ICASSP in 2019 May 2019: Sébastien Beugnon, Pauline Puteaux and William Puech attended the international conference IEEE ICASSP 2019.
  • Marc Chaumont from LIRMM (France) presenting ICAR team research applyed to AI for marine ecology with the MUSE Consortium at LIRMM Lab, France April 2019: Marc Chaumont presented the ICAR team research in the "AI applied to marine ecology" conference organized by the Sea & Coast Key Initiative of the MUSE Consortium.
  • Seasons Greetings for 2019 from Icar team at LIRMM, France March 2019: Jean-Daniel Taupiac attended the international IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces at Osaka, Japan and presented two papers.
  • Seasons Greetings for 2019 from Icar team at LIRMM, France Seasons Greetings for 2019 from all the ICAR team members at LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, France.
  • W. Puech, P. Puteaux and I. Tkachenko attended the international conference IEEE WIFS 2018 in Hongkong December 2018: William Puech, Pauline Puteaux and Ioulia Tkachenko (now with University of Lyon) attended the international conference IEEE WIFS 2018.
  • Christophe Fiorio was bestowed the Knight's title in the Order of the Academic Palms December 2018: Christophe Fiorio was bestowed the Knight's title in the Order of the Academic Palms.
  • thesis of Lionel Pibre on Deep Learning and multi-source aerial imagery November 2018: Lionel Pibre successfully defended his PhD thesis on Deep Learning and multi-source aerial imagery.
  • séminaire Sécurité 22 novembre 2018 November 2018: Marc Chaumont, Vincent itier and William Puech presented their research at the Digital Security Workshop organized at LIRMM.
  • October 2018: Marc Chaumont presented a survey Deep Learning in Steganography and Steganalysis 
						since 2015 at the Image Signal & Security Mini-Workshop at Rennes (France) October 2018: Marc Chaumont presented a survey "Deep Learning in Steganography and Steganalysis since 2015" at the Image Signal & Security Mini-Workshop at Rennes (France).
  •  paper 'Persistence Atlas for Critical Point Variability in Ensembles' co-authored by 
						Noura Farajl October 2018: Paper 'Persistence Atlas for Critical Point Variability in Ensembles' co-authored by Noura Faraj is presented at the IEEE VIS 2018 conference.
  • Reconstruction d'un modèle géométrique à partir d'un maillage 3D issu d'un scanner surfacique October 2018: Silvère Gauthier successfully defended his PhD thesis on 3D retrodeformation.

ICAR : Image & Interaction

The ICAR team brings together researchers from the Robotics and Computer Science departments around the research topic of "image" and more generally visual data. The team is currently composed of 9 permanent research members from University of Montpellier, CNRS and CHU Montpellier, but also counts among its close collaborators researchers in remote sensing from the TETIS laboratory or in agronomy modelling from CIRAD.

The ICAR team develops research themes associating interaction and processing of visual data such as 2D, 3D, multi-spectral (nD) images, videos or nD+t image sequences and 3D objects whether in the form of 3D meshes or parametric modelling.

The team is structured according to 4 research themes :
Analysis & Processing
Multimedia Security
3D Modelling & Visualisation
Artificial Intelligence for Visual Data

Our tools

Analysis & Processing

Multimedia Security

3D Modelling & Visualisation