D'autres pages sur les conférences en 1996 :
Sigle Libellé réalisation
AAAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence 04-08/08/96
AAC ECAI Workshop on Argumentation in Agent Communication 12-13/08/96
ACBL ECAI Workshop on Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning 12-16/08/96
ACELMAS AAAI-96 Spring Symposium on Adaptation, Co-evolution and Learning in Multiagent Systems
ACPC International Conference of the ACPC with special emphasis on Parallel Databases and Parallel I/O
ADAI PRICAI Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence 27/08/96
ADL Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries
AI Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
AIBTW3 WWWAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools to Help W3 Users 06/05/96
AIEM International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Management
AIR ECAI Workshop on Abductive and Inductive Reasoning 12/08/96
AISB Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour
AISMC International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Mathematical Computation 23-25/09/96
ALD AAAI-96 Spring Symposium on Acquisition, Learning, and Demonstration: Automating Tasks for Users
ALP International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming
ALT International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory 23-25/10/96
AM AAAI Workshop on Agent Modeling 08/96
APD ECAI Workshop on Advances in Propositional Deduction 13/08/96
AS ECAI Workshop on Applied Semiotics 13/08/96
ATAL ECAI International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures and Languages 12-13/08/96
BDA Bases de Donne'es Avance'es
BENELEARN Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning
CADE Conference on Automated Deduction
CAPS Confe'rence internationale sur l' Apprentissage Personne Syste`me
CAV International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification
CBSSE Computer-Based Systems and Software Engineering
CESA Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications
CFP ECAI Workshop on Cross-fertilization in Planning 12-16/08/96
CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
CLIM Colloque E'tudiant de Linguistique Informatique de Montre'al
CM European Workshop on Cognitive Modelling 14-16/11/96
CMEM KAW Workshop on Corporate Memory and Enterprise Modeling
CNPC Confe'rence Nationale sur la Re'solution Pratique de Proble`mes NP-Complets
COLING International Conference on Computational Linguistics
COLT Conference on Computational Learning Theory 28-01/06/96
COOP Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems
COORDINATION International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
COOTS USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies
COSA ECAI Workshop on Corpus-Oriented Semantic Analysis 12-16/08/96
CP International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming 19-23/08/96
CPA CP Workshop on Constraint Programming Applications: An Inventory and Taxonomy 19-23/08/96
CRAC Journe'es de Recherche sur le Contro^le Re'parti dans les Applications Coope'ratives
CreCog Creativity & Cognition
CSCW ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16-20/11/96
CUAI Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
DEXA International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications
DL Workshop on Description Logic
DMKB KDD Workshop on Research Issues on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
DMS Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems
DOC International Workshop on Distributed Object Computing
DPSLS ECAI Workshop on Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language Systems 12-16/08/96
DSVIS Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems
DX International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis
EAI ECAI Workshop on Empirical AI 12-16/08/96
EANN International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
EC Evolutionary Computation
ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 12-16/08/96
ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
EDBT International Conference on Extending Database Technology
EFSML ECAI Workshop on Extended finite state models of language 12-16/08/96
EGMM Eurographics Workshop on Multimedia 28-30/05/96
EKAW European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition
EMCSR European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
ENMLP SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
EP Conference on Evolutionary Programming
ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
ES Annual Conference on Expert Systems 18/12/96
ESM European Simulation Multiconference
EuroAID European Conference on AI in Education
EuroCOG European Workshop on Cognitive Modeling 14-16/11/96
EuroPAR European Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Database Systems
EWLR European Workshop on Learning Robots 02/07/96
EXPLICATION Journe'es Explication
FAPR International Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning 03-07/06/96
FCS Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning
FLAIRS Track on Information Interchange
FLOC Federated Logic Conference
FMCAD International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
FOGA4 Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms
FOOL International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
GB ECAI Workshop on Gaps and Bridges: New Directions in Planning and NLG 12-16/08/96
GD Graph Drawing
GIS International Conference on Geographic Information Systems in Urban, Environmental and Regional Planning
GIW Workshop on Genome Informatics 02-03/12/96
GP International Conference on Genetic Programming 28-31/07/96
HCIML ICML Workshop : Human Computer Interaction meets Machine Learning 03/07/96
HYPERTEXT ACM Conference on Hypertext
IAA International Workshop on Intelligent Adaptive Agents 04-05/08/96
IAAI Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence 05-07/08/96
IAD-SMA Journe'es Francophones sur Intelligence Artificielle Distribue'e et Syste`mes Multi-Agents 01-03/04/96
IATA ECAI Workshop on Intelligent Agents for Telecoms Applications 12-16/08/96
ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
ICCI International Conference of Computing and Information
ICDE International Conference on Data Engineering
ICDP International Conference on Distributed Platforms
ICFP International Conference on Functional Programming
ICGI International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference
ICMAS International Conference on Multiagent Systems 10-13/12/96
ICMD ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
ICML International Conference on Machine Learning 03-06/07/96
ICNN International Conference on Neural Networks
ICONIP International Conference on Neural Information Processing 24-27/09/96
ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 16-19/11/96
IDAMAP ECAI Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology 12-16/08/96
IDBMMS International Workshop on Image Databases and Multi Media Search 22-23/08/96
IDS International Workshop on Interfaces to Databases
IEEE TSMC IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics special issue on Learning Autonomous Robots
IFIP IFIP Working Groups 8.1/13.2 Conference on Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design
IFL International Workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages
IJHCS/KA International Journal of Human-Computer Studies/Knowledge Acquisition Special Issue on Using Explicit Ontologies in KBS Development
ILP International Symposium on Logic Programming
ILP-JLP The Journal of Logic Programming special issue on Inductive Logic Programming
ILP-KDD MLnet Sponsored Familiarization Workshop on Data Mining with Inductive Logic Programming 02/07/96
IMLC International Machine Learning Conference
IMLM AAAI Workshop on Integrating Multiple Learned Models For Improving And Scaling Machine Learning Algorithms 04/08/96
IMP ECAI Workshop : Towards a Standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems 12-16/08/96
INFORSID Informatique des Organisations et Syste`mes d'Information et de De'cision
INMARS ECAI Workshop on Integrating Nonmonotonicity into Automated Reasoning Systems 12-16/08/96
INT International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects : Integrity in Databases
IPIC International Working Conference on Integration of Enterprise Information and Processes : Rethinking Documents for Enterprise Information
IPMU Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems
IS-SI Intelligent Systems / Syste`mes Intelligents
ISAP International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems
ISIS Information, Statistics and Induction in Science
ISOTAS International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software
ISPP ECAI Workshop on Intelligent Scheduling of Production Processes 12-16/08/96
ISSS International Symposium on System Synthesis
ITS International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
IW ECAI Workshop on Intelligent Workflow 12-16/08/96
IWDAI IberoAmerican Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems 25-26/10/96
IWPC++ ISOTAS International Workshop on Parallel C++
JAVA Journe'es d'Acquisition des Connaissances, Validation des Syste`mes a` Base de Connaissances, et d'Apprentissage
JELIA European Workshop on Logics in AI
JETAI JETAI special issue on Learning in Distributed Artificial Intelligence Systems
JFPLC French Conference on Logic Programming and Constraint Programming
JICSLP Joint Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming
JJCSC Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives 05-07/06/96
JSJ Journe'es du Se'minaire Junior du LIPN Intelligence Artificielle et Applications
JVLC Journal of Visual Languages and Computing special issue on Image and Video Databases Visual Browsing Querying and Retrieval
KAW Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
KBCS International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems 16-18/12/96
KDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
KEML Workshop on Knowledge Engineering: Methods and Languages
KI German National Conference on Artificial Intelligence 17-19/09/96
KR International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
KRIMS ECAI Workshop on Knowledge Representation For Interactive Multimedia Systems: Research and Experience 12-16/08/96
KRMB ECAI Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases 12-16/08/96
LAP International Workshop on Communication Modeling : the Language/Action Perspective 01-02/07/96
LCBAIS AAAI Fall Symposium on Learning Complex Behaviors in Adaptive Intelligent Systems 09-11/11/96
LCSD ICML Workshop on Learning in Context-Sensitive Domains 03/07/96
LDAIS ECAI Workshop on Learning in Distributed Artificial Intelligence Systems 12-16/08/96
LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
LID International Workshop on Logic in Databases
LMO Langages et Mode`les a` Objets
LOPSTR International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation
MAAMAW European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World 22-25/01/96
MCAI ECAI Workshop on Modeling Conflicts in AI 12-16/08/96
MCDA Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and Applications
METADATA IEEE Conference on Metadata
MFPW Massey Functional Programming Workshop
ML Machine Learning special issue on Learning with Probabilistic Representations
MLDB ICML Workshop on Machine Learning and Databases 03/07/96
MNM AAAI Workshop on Detecting, Repairing and Preventing Human-Machine Miscommunication
MOC Workshop on Memory Organization and Consolidation : Cognitive and Computational Perspectives
MSI ECAI Workshop on Multilinguality in Software Industry: The AI Contribution 12-16/08/96
MSL International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning
MSQR ECAI Workshop on Model-based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning - Perspectives for Industrial Applications 12-16/08/96
NIPS Neural Information Processing Systems 02/12/96
NLDB International Workshop on Natural Language and Databases ; Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems
NLKN AAAI Fall 1996 Symposium on Knowledge Representation Systems based on Natural Language 09-11/11/96
NMELP JICSLP Postconference Workshop on Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming: Theory, Applications and Implementations 02-06/09/96
NNAA Workshop on Neural Network Applications in Agriculture
NNCM International Conference on Neural Networks in the Capital Markets
NNSK ECAI Worshop on Neural Networks and Structured Knowledge 12-16/08/96
NSCP ECAI Workshop on Non-Standard Constraint Processing 12-16/08/96
NZFPDC New Zealand Formal Program Development Colloquium
OE ECAI Workshop on Ontological Engineering 12-16/08/96
OOIS International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems
OOPSLA ACM Conference on bject-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications
OTC Conference on Object Technology Centers
PAAM International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology 22-23/04/96
PACT International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques 21-23/10/96
PAP International Conference on Practical Application of PROLOG
PC WETICE Workshop on Project Coordination
PDAI National Symposium on Parallel and Distributed AI
PDCS International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems 25-27/09/96
PFNLLKB ECAI Workshop on Predicative Forms in Natural Language and Lexical Knowledge Bases 12-16/08/96
PJ International Workshop on Persistence and Java 16-18/09/96
PLILP International Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics, and Programs
POC Parallel Optimization Colloquium
PODS ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
POPL Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
POS International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems
PPSN International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 96
PSTTL CADE Workshop on Proof Search in Type-Theoretic Languages 30/07/96
QP ITS Workshop on the Role of Qualitative Reasoning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
RAPCE FAPR Workshop on Reasoning about Actions and Planning in Complex Environments 03-07/06/96
RECITAL Rencontre des E'tudiants-Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique de la Langue
REFLECTION Reflection and Meta-Level Architectures
RFIA Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle
RIDE-NDS International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering Interoperability of Nontraditional Database Systems
RJCIA Rencontres Nationales des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle
RMK ECAI Workshop on Representation of mathematical knowledge 12-16/08/96
ROBOLEARN International Workshop on Learning for Autonomous Robots 19-20/05/96
RPSE ECAI Workshop on Representation and Processing of Spatial Expressions 12-16/08/96
RPVNL ECAI Workshop on Representations and Processes between Vision and NL 12-16/08/96
RRR KR Pre-Workshop on Relevance in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
RTA International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications
RTDB International Workshop on Real-Time Databases
SBIA Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence 23-25/10/96
SDAIR Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval 15-17/04/96
SFKBS International Conference on Success and Failure of Knowledge-Based Systems in Real-World Applications
SKD-KDD ICML Workshop on Synergy between Scientific Knowledge Discovery and Knowledge Discovery in Databases 03/07/96
SMP Mathematical Psychology
SRMIMPS ECAI Workshop on Towards a Standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems 12-16/08/96
SRPSM KAW Workshop on Shareable and Reusable Problem-Solving Methods
SSDBM International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management
TAB Workshop on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux
TAI International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 16-19/11/96
TALN Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel
TAPOS Theory and Practice of Object Systems
TARK Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge
TIME International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
TOOLS International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
TPHOL International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics
TSI-RIA Revue ; Nume'ro sp\'ecial Intelligence Artificielle Distribue'e et Syste`mes Multi-Agent
UAI Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
UCIS Interdisciplinary Workshop on Using Complex Information Systems
UIS ECAI Workshop on Uncertainty in Information Systems: Questiones of Viability 12-16/08/96
UM International Conference on User Modeling
UMC Universal Machines and Computations
UNIF International Workshop on Unification
VLDB International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
VVR ECAI Workshop on Validation, Verification and Refinement of KBS 12/08/96
WEC2 Online Workshop on Evolutionary Computation 04-22/03/96
WETICE Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
WWW International Conference on the World Wide Web 06-10/05/96
WWWIA WWW Workshop on Artificial Intelligence-based tools to help W3 users 06-10/05/96

Philippe REITZ (reitz@lirmm.fr)