
Practical lower and upper bounds for the Shortest Linear Superstring

Given a set P of words, the Shortest Linear Superstring (SLS) problem is an optimisation problem that asks for a superstring of P of minimal length. SLS has applications in data compression, where a superstring is a compact representation of P, and …

Superstrings with multiplicities

A superstring of a set of words $P = s_1, ..., s_p $ is a string that contains each word of P as substring. Given P, the well known Shortest Linear Superstring problem (SLS), asks for a shortest superstring of P. In a variant of SLS, called …

A linear time algorithm for Shortest Cyclic Cover of Strings

Merging words according to their overlap yields a superstring. This basic operation allows to infer long strings from a collection of short pieces, as in genome assembly. To capture a maximum of overlaps, the goal is to infer the shortest superstring …