Vincent Berry
- 2023-, Head of the DevOps (DO) apprenticeship training program, Computer Science dept., Polytech Montpellier.
- 2023-, Responsible of students' admissions, DO program, Computer Science dept., Polytech Montpellier
- 2023-, Member of the school council, Polytech Montpellier
- 2022-2024, responsible of students' admissions, IG program, Computer Science dept., Polytech Montpellier
- 2018-2023, Head of the of Data and Information Processing track, Polytech International Summer chool
- 2010-2023, Head of the Numerical committee, Polytech Montpellier
- 2019-2021, Studies manager, IG program, Computer Science dept., Polytech Montpellier
- 2010-2015, Head of the Informatics transversal dept., Polytech Montpellier
- 2008-09, 2006-07 & 2002-03: Head of the bioinformatics Master program
- 2000-01: Opening of a Master's program in bioinformatics, Science Faculty, Montpellier University (with M.-P. Lefranc)
Head of a scientific axis in the Labex NumEv
- Algorithms and Computation axis (2014 to 2016)
Member of the CS departement head team at LIRMM
- Head of the CS department engineering team (2012 and 2013)
Conference Program Committees
- BIBM'22 : International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Las Vegas (EU) and Changsha (Chi)
- JOBIM'10: 10èmes Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique et Mathématiques, Montpellier
- ISMB'09: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (Evolution & Phylogeny track), Stockholm
- JOBIM'09: 9èmes Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique et Mathématiques, Nantes
- MIEP'08: 3rd workshop on Mathematics and Informatics in Evolution and Phylogeny, Montpellier
- WABI'06: 6th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (substitute to O. Gascuel), Zürich
- JOBIM'00: 1ères Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique et Mathématiques, Montpellier
Administration of research projects
- 2010-2013 AGCT program, funded by Région Languedoc Roussillon
- 2008-2011:
Phylariane, Phylogenomics: integrated algorithms and visualizations for analyzing
the evolution of life.
- French ANR 2008 & 2009
- US-Israël Fund 2009
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 2005
- Marsden Fund (New-Zealand), 2003.
- Reviewer of (a too large number of) papers for Computer Science and Bioinformatics journals
- 2019-: Education and Universitary Life Council, Acacademic Council, Universite de Montpellier (CFVU and CAc boards)
- 2009-10: LIRMM laboratory council
- 2005-08: Studies and Universitary Life Council (CEVU)
- 2004-08: Specialist's Committee in Computer Science