BUBOT is an interdisciplinary project which aims at merging expertise from biologists, roboticists and computer scientists. It is based on effective and efficient collaboration between the different implicated teams.

Partners from university of Montpellier:
- LIRMM, Explore (Robotics) and ICAR teams (Computer science) http://www.lirmm.fr/
- MARBEC UMR, group Communities’ dynamics and functioning http://www.umr-marbec.fr/en/
- Espace-Dev : AIMS team
International partners:
- CUFR (University center of education and research) of Mayotte : Biology and Geography departments
http://www.univ-mayotte.fr/ - University of California, Davis : Wainwright Lab
https://fishlab.ucdavis.edu/ - Universidade Lúrio : Faculdade de Ciências Naturais
External scientific committee :
- Jérémie Guiochet, Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (TSF) team, LAAS-CNRS
- Tom Letessier, Institute of zoology, ZSL – Zoological Society of London
- Gilbert David from Espace-Dev