Scientific International Journals
- C. Magneville, N. Loiseau, C. Albouy, N. Casajus, T. Claverie, A. Escalas, F. Leprieur, E. Maire, D. Mouillot & S. Villéger (2022) mFD: an R package to compute and illustrate the multiple facets of functional diversity. Ecography, 05904, (2022).
- J.L. Vilchis Medina, K. Godary-Dejean, C. Lesire; Autonomous Decision-Making With Incomplete Information and Safety Rules Based on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett. 6(4): 8357-8362, (2021).
- M. Maslin, S. Louis, K. Godary-Dejean, L. Lapierre, S. Villéger, T. Claverie ; Underwater robots provide similar fish biodiversity assessments as divers on coral reefs, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, (2021).
- S. Villon, D. Mouillot, M. Chaumont, G. Subsol, T. Claverie, S. Villéger; A new method to control error rates in automated species identification with deep learning algorithms; Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, n°1, (2020).
Scientific International Conferences
- A. Hereau, K. Godary-Dejean, J. Guiochet, D. Crestani ; A Fault Tolerant Control Architecture Based on Fault Trees for an Underwater Robot Executing Transect Missions, ICRA 2021, Xi’an China (virtual), 30 mai-5 juin 2021
- A. Hereau, K. Godary-Dejean, J. Guiochet, C. Robert, D. Crestani, and T. Claverie. Testing an underwater robot executing transect missions in mayotte. In 21st Annual Conference, TAROS 2020, Nottingham, UK (virtual), September 16 2020.
- Massone Q, Druon S, Breux Y and Triboulet J., Contour-based approach for 3D mapping of underwater galleries. MTS/IEEE Global Oceans 2020, Singapore (virtual).
- 2021: Claverie T., Chaumont M., Godary Dejean K, Hereau A., Lapierre L, Louis S., Maslin M., Mouillot D., Subsol G., Villéger S., Villon S., Coupling underwater autonomous vehicles and automatic video analysis for efficient monitoring of coral reef ecosystems: promises and challenges, Colloque ICRS (14th International Coral Reef Symposium), 18-23 juillet 2021, Bremen, Germany (virtual).
- 2020: S. Villéger, M. Chaumont, G. Subsol, Algorithmes pour la détection et l’identification des poissons sur des vidéos sous-marines, Workshop Imaginecology (Deep Learning pour le traitement et l’analyse d’images et de sons en écologie); 16-17 nov. 2020, virtual. Link (pdf)
- 2019: Claverie T., Longépée E., Sabinot C., Godary-Dejean K., Poissons récifaux et profondeur le long d’un gradient de forçage anthropique : quelles correspondances entre les savoirs écologiques locaux des pêcheurs et les observations scientifiques ? Colloque Vulpare (Vulnérabilités du patrimoine récifal), 10-12 déc. 2019, Montpellier, France. Link (pdf)