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CIRM Workshop on Graph Decomposition 2015

The third CIRM workshop on Graph Decomposition was held at the CIRM (Marseille, France) from January 18th to January 24th 2015. It is the third workshop of a series organized at the CIRM.

The goals of the workshop are to discuss and exchange on recent developments on graph decomposition methods from the view points of graph theory, algorithmic theory, complexity and logics. Among the thematics of the workshop we may find new decomposition for graph classes defined by forbidden induced subgraphs, graph decompositions for topological minor free graphs, algorithmic consequences of new decomposition techniques…

Scientific committee: Stephan Kreutzer (University of Berlin), Christophe Paul (CNRS, Université Montpellier), Nicolas Trotignon (ENS Lyon), Paul Wollan (University of Rome)

More To Explore



The Workshop on Logic, Graphs, and Algorithms (LoGAlg 2022) is a two-day event held at LIRMM (Montpellier) during the dates 21 and 22 of November 2022. The workshop will be dedicated to the logical aspects of graph algorithms and their diverse applications in Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics. Scientific committee: Dimitrios M. Thilikos (CNRS, Université Montpellier), Christophe Paul (CNRS, Université Montpellier)

Research grants


Unifying Theories for Multivariate Algorithms (ANR-DFG project, ANR-20-CE92-0027) Studying the tractability of computational problems is a core challenge in theoretical computer science. A central question