
Marc Chaumont


MCF 27, HDR, Univ. Nîmes

travaille dans les domaines de la sécurisation multimédia (stéganographie/steganalyse, tatouage, forensic), de la compression vidéo, et de la segmentation et du suivi dans les vidéos. Les mots clés de ses recherches sont : stéganographie/steganalyse, tatouage, forensic, compression vidéo, segmentation et suivi de régions, suivi de visage par modèle 3D. Marc Chaumont enseigne en Informatique dans la licence Math-Info à l'université de Nîmes et intervient également à l'université de Montpellier.

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Frédéric comby

Frédéric COMBY (50 % ICAR, 50% RSM)

MCF 61, IUT Béziers departement - R&T

travaille dans le domaine du traitement d'images. Les mots clés de ses recherches sont : l'estimation du mouvement dans l'image, l'imagerie omnidirectionnelle, l'application de nouveaux outils statistiques pour l'image, la super résolution et l'imagerie haute dynamique ainsi que l'identification de caméras. Certains de ces outils sont utilisés dans des applications de robotique sous-marine. F. Comby enseigne en réseaux, automatique et informatique au département réseaux et télécommunications de l'IUT Béziers.

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Noura Faraj

Noura FARAJ, ICAR Team Deputy Leader

MCF 27, Univ. Montpellier

Noura Faraj’s research work addresses how to model, interact with and visualize interactively large volume datasets with a particular focus on mesh generation and processing of segmented 3D images. Her work is at the intersection of variety of topics related to computer graphics and visualization (geometric modeling, Non-Photorealistic Rendering, image processing and stylization...). She completed her PhD in 2013 in the Computer Graphics Group of Telecom ParisTech under the supervision of Tamy Boubekeur and Isabelle Bloch. Then, she worked as a post doctoral researcher at Tulane University in New Orleans, U.S.A. working with Brian Summa and started as an Associate Professor at the Université de Montpellier where she joined the ICAR team in September 2018.

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Emmanuel Faure

Emmanuel FAURE

CRCN section 51, HDR, CNRS

Emmanuel Faure firstly joined CNRS in 2015 as a researcher at the IRIT lab in Toulouse. He received his PhD from the Ecole Polytechnique in Complex Systems science in 2009. During this time, he worked in collaboration with developmental biologists, physicists and mathematicians on reconstructing the cell lineage tree of multiples organisms from 4D images datasets. He joined the Davidson Laboratory in Caltech in 2010 for a 2 years postdoctoral position working on gene regulatory network models. Back in France, as a research engineer, he was the technical director of the BioEmergences platform integrating an automatic workflow for all reconstruction steps from image acquisition and processing to the interactive visualization of reconstructed data. He coordinated the installation of a data center (clusters and storage) for France Bio Imaging national infrastructure. In 2014, he did a postdoc at the Computational Biology Institute in Montpellier, working on data assimilation.

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Christophe Fiorio

Christophe FIORIO

PR 27, Polytech Montpellier

My researchs focus on imagery. I tend to develop a combinatorial and discrete approach of imagery. My goal is to provide a complete discret framework to model, analyze and represent digital images. In particular, I'm interested in the definition of a formal digital model of image, in regions segmentation by combinatorial and statistical algorithms, and in the characterization the results by topological data structures and digital geometry features.

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William Puech

William PUECH

PR 27, Univ. Montpellier

William Puech received the diploma of Electrical Engineering from the Univ. Montpellier, France (1991) and a Ph.D. Degree in Signal-Image-Speech from the Polytechnic National Institute of Grenoble, France (1997) with research activities in image processing and computer vision. He served as a Visiting Research Associate to the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. From 1997 to 2008, he has been an Associate Professor at the Univ. Montpellier, France. Since 2009, he is full Professor in image processing at the Univ. Montpellier, France. His current interests are in the areas of image forensics and security for safe transfer, storage and visualization by combining data hiding, compression and cryptography. He is the head of the ICAR team (Image & Interaction) in the LIRMM, has published more than 40 journal papers and 120 conference papers and is associate editor for 5 journals (JASP, SPIC, SP, JVCIR and IEEE TDSC) in the areas of image forensics and security. Since 2017 he is the general chair of the IEEE Signal Processing French Chapter and since 2018 he is a member of the IEEE Information Forensics and Security TC

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Olivier Strauss

Olivier STRAUSS, ICAR Team Leader

PR 61, Univ. Montpellier

travaille sur l'application au traitement d'image de nouvelles techniques de traitement de l'information. Le spectre des applications visées est large : estimation de mouvement, filtrage, morphologie, vision omnidirectionnelle, fusion de données, poursuite de cible, extraction d'indices, stéréovision, reconstruction tomographique, représentation des données spatiales. Sur le plan purement théorique, il s'intéresse aux nouvelles méthodes de représentation de l'informations telles que les statistiques robustes, les sous-ensembles flous, les sous-ensembles grossiers, la théorie de la croyance, les probabilités imprécises. Olivier Strauss enseigne l'automatique, le traitement du signal et des images et le génie informatique aux niveaux M1, M2 et L3 dans les formations affiliées a l'EEA.

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Gérard Subsol


CRHC section 07, CNRS

Gérard Subsol obtained an Engineer Diploma and a Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science of the Ecole Centrale de Paris respectively in 1991 and in 1995. From 1992 to January 2000, he was Ph.D. student, then Expert-Engineer with EPIDAURE Project, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France. His research dealt with multidimensional image processing (2D/3D/4D). From February 2000 to December 2002, he was Research Engineer with LIA - Laboratory of Computer Science, University of Avignon, France. His research addressed speech recognition of proper names in the frame of the European Project SMADA (Speech Driven Multimodal Automatic Directory Assistance). In 2003 and 2004, Gérard Subsol had been the coordinator of the Computer Science activities of the FOVEA project supported by CNRS. FOVEA (Virtual Excavation of Paleo-Anthropological Environments) aims to be a feasibility study on 3D modelling paleo-anthropological excavation sites. From December 2005 to November 2006, Gérard Subsol had been Research Engineer with the start-up company Intrasense, Montpellier, France where he worked on 3D medical image processing. Since November 2006, he has been a CNRS Senior Researcher with the ICAR research team at the Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics, and Microelectronics (LIRMM) located in Montpellier, in the South of France. He is currently working on several applications of 2D and 3D image processing.

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Associated Researchers

Guillaume Captier

Guillaume CAPTIER

PU 42.01-PH, CHU Lapeyronie/Univ. Montpellier

I am Professor of Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montpellier and I work at the Montpellier Anatomy Laboratory. I am also a plastic paediatric surgeon, head of the paediatric orthopaedic and plastic surgery team at the University Hospital of Montpellier. My surgical skills are expressed in the field of facial malformations, such as clefts, and skin surgery in children and adolescents. I am also specialised in the management of positional cranial deformities and congenital torticollis. The main focus of my research is 3D modelling the cranial growth under biomechanical or ontogenic constraints. I joined the ICAR team in 2021.

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