- 1st meeting: November 25-27th, 2008, start meeting at ISEM in Montpellier. See program
- 2nd meeting: Ferbruary 23-25th, 2009 at the LBBE in Lyon. Bayesian methods (meeting with J. Lagergren).
- 3rd meeting: April 27-28th, 2009 at the LIRMM in Montpellier. Theme: rooting and reconciliation algorithms.
- 4th meeting: Decembrer 8-9th, 2009 at the LIRMM in Montpellier. See program ; See report
- 5th meeting: January 25th, 2010, visio-conférence : LIRMM-ISEM-LBBE.
- 6th meeting: May 6-7th, 2010, Lyon : LIRMM-ISEM-LBBE. See program
- 7th meeting: September 6-9th, 2010, Montpellier, LIRMM-ISEM-LBBE. Theme : extracting signal from multigene families with application to eukaryotes.
- 8th meeting: November 16th 2010, Lyon. Theme: various discussions about a next ANR projet.
- 9th meeting: May 26th 2011, Lyon, LIRMM-ISEM-Montpellier. See program
- 10th meeting: October 18th, 2011, Visio-conference, LIRMM-ISEM-Montpellier.
Other important events
- July 2011 : JF Dufayard obtain a permanent research position at the CIRAD (Montpellier).
- June 2011: C. Scornavacca and P. Gambette obtain permanent positions, as researcher (CNRS Montpellier) and as lecturer (Université Marne-La-Vallée) respectively.
- June 2009: collaboration of P. Gambette and K. Huber (UK) in Paris. Theme: encodings of phylogenetic networks.
- August 2008: visit of K. Huber (UK) in Montpellier. Theme: encodings of phylogenetic networks.
- January 2009: visit of C. Scornavacca and V. Berry to Moscow Academy of Sciences. Theme: reconciliation of gene trees.
- February 2009: visit of J. Lagergren, Lyon. Theme: bayesian methods to reconcile gene and species trees.
- May 2009: G. Szöllösi joins the project as a PostDoct (LBBE).
- June 2009: visit of russian scientists in Montpellier. Theme: using reconciliations algorithms to study bacteria.
- November 2009: JP Doyon joins the postdoc as a PostDoct (LIRMM).
- C. Scornavacca joins D. Huson's lab for a PostDoct.
- December 2009: C. Scornavacca defends her PhD Thesis. V. Berry defends his Habilitation (HDR).
- June 2009: visit of D. Huson (Germany) in Montpellier. Theme: network method to represent a set of trees with a minimum number of reticulation events.
- August 2009: the book edited by E. Tanier with G. Fertin, A. Labarre, I. Rusu, S. Vialette is out, published by the MIT press.
- September 2009: Julien Dutheil, who recently got a research position at ISEM joins the project.
- May 2010: V. Daubin and V. Berry invited speakers at BCB (Bertinoro, Italy).
- June 2010 : S. Abby defends her PhD Thesis.
- June 2010: visit of Russian scientists in Montpellier. Theme: using reconciliations algorithms to study bacteria.
- July 2010: the LBBE jointly organizes SMBE 2010 (Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution) and manages several symposia.
- September 2010: the LIRMM jointly organizes the JOBIM 2010 conference (Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques).
- November 2010: JP Doyon will now work as a PostDoc at the ISEM.
- November 2010 : P. Gambette defends his PhD Thesis.
- December 2010, V. Ranwez defends his Habilitation (HDR).
- December 2010, the book co-edited by D. Huson, R. Rupp and C. Scornavacca should be out for christmas.