
Blood neoplasia publication

A collaborative work on the impact of molecular conflicts in the treatment of Multiple Myeloma

New preprint on resistance to cancer therapy with 5-FU

New results on the mechanism that creates resistance in cancer cells

Poster abstract in Blood journal

Poster at the annual congress of The American Society of Hematology (ASH)

Publication in Bioinformatics

New tools for metabarcoding analyses accepted for publication in journal Bioinformatics.

Article presented at PSC 2023

Pengfei Wang presented the results of a collaborative work with CWI team.

Article accepted at ICALP 2023

Our combinatorial work will be published at 50th ICALP conference

New publication in Malaria Journal

Happy to share our recent publication that appeared in Malaria Journal. This project started as a collaboration within the “Institute of Computational Biology” (IBC) between the LIRMM and the IRCM units, and has benefited from the implication of Dr Daniel Roche and Dr Rodrigo Cánovas, who were postdoctoral fellows at the IBC. In this work, we detected GPI-anchored proteins using a specifically designed bioinformatic tool, FT-GPI. We applied it to the proteomes of malaria parasites and studied the evolution of those proteins in 46 isolates of these parasites.

INSERM press release!

Our recently published study has been highlighted by INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical research) in its press release regarding its engagement in Cancer Research at the occasion of the World Cancer Day (4th of February). Their article (entitled “World Cancer Day: INSERM committed more than ever!") describes three studies with potential implications for care, including ours on the impact of chemotherapy on cell resistance to treatment (performed in collaboration with J.

New publication on cancer in Nature Communications

Excited to share our multidisciplinary research work on the impact of a chemotherapy drug on the behavior of cancer cells published in @NatureComms. This is part of a collaboration launched by JJ. Diaz team at the Center for Cancer Research of Lyon (Centre Léon Bérard) and our team is involved in the study of translation mechanism combining deep sequencing and bioinformatics. Team member involved: J. Ripoll Collaborators: A. David

Paper accepted at CPM 2021

Paper at CPM 2021 conference