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New publication in Malaria Journal

Predicting GPI anchored proteins

Happy to share our recent publication that appeared in Malaria Journal.

This project started as a collaboration within the “Institute of Computational Biology” (IBC) between the LIRMM and the IRCM units, and has benefited from the implication of Dr Daniel Roche and Dr Rodrigo Cánovas, who were postdoctoral fellows at the IBC.

In this work, we detected GPI-anchored proteins using a specifically designed bioinformatic tool, FT-GPI. We applied it to the proteomes of malaria parasites and studied the evolution of those proteins in 46 isolates of these parasites.

Configuration of FT-GPI and evolution of the GPI-anchored proteins among Haemosporida.

It is a pan-proteome analysis of GPI-anchored proteins. Check it out: the article is in open-access.


FT-GPI, a highly sensitive and accurate predictor of GPI-anchored proteins, reveals the composition and evolution of the GPI proteome in Plasmodium species

Lena M. Sauer, Rodrigo Canovas, Daniel Roche, Hosam Shams-Eldin, Patrice Ravel, Jacques Colinge, Ralph T. Schwarz, Choukri Ben Mamoun, Eric Rivals & Emmanuel Cornillot

Malaria Journal volume 22, Article number: 27 (2023)

Eric Rivals
CNRS Research Director in Computer Science and Bioinformatics

My research interests include string algorithms, bioinformatics, genomics.