I'm an Inria Researcher in Computer Science on leave from Montpellier University (where I hold an Associate Professor position, since 2014)
and Head of the
BOREAL team (since 2022) which is common to Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur, LIRMM, and INRAe.
I work at the crossroads of databases and knowledge representation and reasoning. My main goal is to develop expressive rule languages
for reasoning on heterogeneous data, as well as on leveraging at best on existing database management technology
to build intelligent data access systems.
Formerly, I have been a Postdoctoral Researcher at
INRIA Rhone-Alpes
LIG Grenoble.
I hold a PhD from Paris-Sud University and a Master summa cum laude in Computer Science from Venice University.
I have been coordinator of the Master Program on "Data, Knowledge, and Natural Language Processing"
DECOL, 2016-2021) at Montpellier University.
Leader of the ANR
CQFD Project: Complex ontological Queries over Federated and heterogenous Data (2019-2024)
Leader of the
InteGraal Software Development Project : a Tool for Rule-based Data-Integration and Reasoning (2020-)
Member of the Franco-German project Inria-DFKI
Reasoning on Agricultural Data Integrating Metric and Qualitative Perspectives
(2022-2025, scientific leaders:
Marie-Laure Mugnier and
Joachim Hertzberg)
Member of the INRAe action T-Calis-Fair : Towards Data FAIR management in CALIS (2022-2023, scientific leader:
Patrice Buche)
Leader of the CNRS PEPS Project OBDA-KeyVal: Ontology-Based Data Access for NOSQL Databases (2016)
Scalable Reasoning on Document Stores via Instance-Aware Query Rewriting
with O. Rodriguez and M.-L. Mugnier
VLDB 2023
International Conference on Very Large Databases
Characterizing Boundedness in Chase Variants
with S. Delivorias, M. Leclere and M.-L. Mugnier
TPLP 2021
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
Oblivious and Semi-Oblivious Chase Boundedness for Existential Rules
with P. Bourhis, M. Leclere, M.-L. Mugnier, S. Tison and L. Galois
IJCAI 2019
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules
with M. Leclere, M.-L. Mugnier and M. Thomazo
ICDT 2019
International Conference on Database Theory
(also presented as an extended abstract at DL 2018)
Boolean Recombinase-based Devices
with G. Perution, M. Leclere, S. Guiziou and J. Bonnet
TPNC 2019
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Natural Computing
Querying Key-Value Stores Under Single-Key Constraints: Rewriting and Parallelization
with O.Rodriguez and R. Akbarinia
RuleML 2019
International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning.
On the k-Boundedness for Existential Rules
with S. Delivorias, M. Leclere and M.-L. Mugnier
RuleML 2018
International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning. Best Paper Award
An Automated Design Framework for Multicellular Recombinase Logic
with S. Guiziou, V. Moreau, M. Leclere, J. Bonnet
ACS 2018 ACS Synthetic Biology Journal
- From CAD Assemblies to Knowledge Bases
Part 1: Geometric Analysis (CAD 17) Part 2:Ontology Reasoning (EGC 17)
with H. Vilmanr and J.-C. Leon
CAD 2017
International CAD Conference.
EGC 2017
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances. Best application paper
Ontology-Mediated Queries for Key-Value Stores
with M. Bienvenu, P. Bourhis, M.-L. Mugnier, and S. Tison
IJCAI 2017
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
On Bounded Positive Existential Rules
with M. Leclere and M.-L. Mugnier
DL 2016
International Workshop on Description Logics
Ontology-Mediated Queries for NOSQL Databases
with M.-L. Mugnier and M.-C. Rousset
AAAI 2016
International AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(also presented as an extended abstract at DL 2016)
Extracting Bounded-level Modules from Deductive RDF Triplestores
with M.-C. Rousset
AAAI 2015 International AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Andromeda: A Distributed System for Processing Queries and Updates on XML Big Data
with N. Bidoit, D. Colazzo, N. Malla, M. Nole, C. Sartiani and A. Solimando
BigDAP 2015
International Workshop on Big Data Applications and Principles
(also demonstrated at EDBT 2013 and presented as an extended abstract at SEBD 2015)
The My Corporis Fabrica Project
Part 1 : Anatomy Models (JBS 14)
Part 2 : Embryology Models (JBS 15)
Part 3 : Hybrid Models (CAD 14)
F. Faure, V. Favier, J.-C. Léon, B. Massé, O. Palombi, P.-Y. Rabattu, D. Rohmer and M.-C. Rousset
JBS 2014
JBS 2015 Journal of Biomedical Semantics CAD 2014 International CAD Conference
demonstrated at
SIGGRAPH 2014 International Conference on Computer Graphics, video)
SOCLE: Towards a Framework for Data Preparation in Social Applications
with S. Amer-Yahia,
N. Ibrahim, C. Kamdem-Kengne and M.-C. Rousset
ISI 2014
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information
- Types for Detecting
XML Query-Update Independence
PhD Thesis
Paris-Sud University, 2012
- Type-based detection of XML Query-Update Independence
with N. Bidoit and D. Colazzo
VLDB 2012
International Conference on Very Large Databases.