
Funding obtained to start a R&D project on RNA based cancer diagnostics

A 3 month visit to train on computational analysis of deep sequencing data.

Funding for an integrated research site on cancer awarded to Montpellier for the 3rd time.

Speech on RNA marks as biomarkers for cancer detection. Free event: join us!

Our combinatorial work will be published at 50th ICALP conference

A new European research network about the role of RNA translation in cancer biology was funded by the COST agency for five years …

Happy to share our recent publication that appeared in Malaria Journal. This project started as a collaboration within the …

The first issue of INSERM magazine in 2023 focuses on the highlights in cancer research from 2022

Our work on glioma diagnostic published in September was highlighted in several scientific media, a local newspaper, and on the radio.

Preprint and new python package available