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Motor / Cognitive neuroscience

 Book Chapters

  • T. Ikegami, H. Nakamoto, G. Ganesh (2018).
    Action imitative and Prediction-error induced contagions in human actions.
    MIT Press Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology. ISBN: 9780262038508
  • G. Ganesh, T Ikegami (2016).
    Beyond Watching: Action understanding by humans and its implications for interacting robots.
    Book chapter in Dance Notations and Robot Motion »  in the Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) collection

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals and Conferences (* indicates equal contribution)

  • Partiot, E., Hirschler, A., Colomb, S., Lutz, W., Claeys, T., Delalande, F., Deffieu, M. S., Bare, Y., Roels, J. R. E., Gorda, B., Bons, J., Callon, D., Andreoletti, L., Labrousse, M., Jacobs, F. M. J., Rigau, V., Charlot, B., Martens, L., Carapito, C., Ganesh, G., Gaudin, R. (2024). Brain exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virions perturbs synaptic homeostasis. Nature microbiology9(5), 1189–1206.
  • Partiot, E., Gorda, B., Lutz, W., Lebrun, S., Khalfi, P., Mora, S., Charlot, B., Majzoub, K., Desagher, S., Ganesh, G., Colomb, S., & Gaudin, R. (2024). Organotypic culture of human brain explants as a preclinical model for AI-driven antiviral studies. EMBO molecular medicine16(4), 1004–1026.

  • C. Colomer, M. Dhamala, G. Ganesh, J. Lagarde (2023). Interacting humans use forces in specific frequencies to exchange information by touch. Nature Scientific Reports. 24;12(1):15752. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-19500-1.
  • H. Hapuarachichi, T. Hagiwara, G. Ganesh, M. Kitazaki (2023). Effect of connection induced upper body movements on embodiment towards a limb controlled by another during virtual co-embodiment. PLOS one 5;18(1):e0278022. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278022.
  • A. Dechaux, M. Mahsoub, M. Kitazaki, J. Lagarde, G.Ganesh (2022). Multi-sensory feedback improves spatially compatible sensori-motor responses. Nature Scientific Reports. 24;12(1):20253. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24028-5.
  • C. Colomer, M. Dhamala, G. Ganesh, J. Lagarde (2022). Interacting humans use forces in specific frequencies to exchange information by touch. Nature Scientific Reports. 12;15752. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-19500-1. 
  • Umezawa, Y. Suzuki, G. Ganesh, Y. Miyawaki (2022). Changes in body representation induced by an independent supernumerary limb. Nature Scientific Reports. 14;12(1):2339. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-06040-x. 
  • T.Ikegami, G. Ganesh, T. Gibo, T. Yoshioka, R. Osu, M. Kawato (2021). Hierarchical motor adaptations negotiate failures during force field learning. PLOS Computational Biology. Comput Biol 17(4): e1008481. doi:  
  • T. Hagiwara, G. Ganesh, M.Sugimoto, M. Inami, M. Kitazaki (2020). Individuals prioritize the reach straightness and hand jerk of a shared avatar over their own. iScience. {press pick up by AAAS’s Eurekalert,}
  • G. Ganesh, T. Minamoto, M. Haruno (2019). Activity in dACC causes motor performance   deterioration due to anxiety. Nature Communication. {press pick up by CNRS Journal, NHK Japan, Yomiuri shinbun Japan}
  • S Kato, N. Yamanobe, G. Venture, G. Ganesh(2019).
    The where of handovers by humans: Effect of partner characteristics, distance and visual feedback. PLOS one 21;14(6):e0217129. doi:
  • G. Ganesh, K. Nakamura, S. Saetia, AM. Tobar, E. Yoshida, H. Ando, N. Yoshimura, Y. Koike (2018).
    Utilizing sensory prediction errors for movement intention decoding: a new methodology.
    Science Advances Vol. 4, no. 5, eaaq0183 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq0183
  • T. Ikegami*, G. Ganesh*, T. Takeuchi, H. Nakamoto (2018).
    Prediction error induced motor contagions in human behaviors.
    Elife 2018;7:e33392 DOI: 10.7554/ELIFE.33392.
  • Takagi, F. Usai, G. Ganesh, V. Sanguineti, E. Burdet (2018).
    Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. 
    PLOS computational Biology
  • L. Aymerich-Franch, D. Petit, G. Ganesh, A. Kheddar (2017).
    Object touch by a humanoid robot avatar induces haptic sensation in the real hand.
    Journal of Computer Mediated Communication. 22(4):215:230.
  • A. Takagi*, G. Ganesh*,T. Yoshioka, M. Kawato, E. Burdet (2017).
    Physically interacting individuals estimate the partner’s goal to enhance their movements.
    Nature Human Behavior.
    doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0054. {press pick up by CNRS Journal}
  • L. Aymerich-Franch, D. Petit, G. Ganesh, A. Kheddar (2016).
    The second me: seeing the real body during humanoid embodiment produces an illusion of bi-location.
    Consciousness and Cognition. 46:99-109. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2016.09.017.
  • L. Aymerich-Franch, D. Petit, A. Kheddar, G. Ganesh (2016).
    Forward modelling the rubber hand: illusion of ownership reorganizes the motor-sensory predictions by the brain.
    Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160407
  • S. Zhang, H Mano, G Ganesh, T Robbins, B Seymour (2015). Multiple learning processes underlie human pain conditioning.
    Current Biology, 21(1), p52–58.
  • L. Aymerich-Franch, G. Ganesh (2015).
    The role of functionality in the body model for self-attribution.
    Review in Neuroscience Research. doi:10.1016/j.neures.2015.11.001.
  • Sport : être mauvais est-il contagieux? By Martin Kopp on T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh (2014)
    CNRS le Journal, online CNRS magazine.
  • Don’t Watch That Clumsy Player Too Closely:Expert Athletes May Perform Worse After Watching Novice Actions By Tori Rodrigues on T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh (2014).
    Scientific American Magazine.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh (2014).
    Watching novice action degrades expert’s performance- Evidence that the motor system is involved in action understanding by humans.
    Nature Scientific Reports. Doi: 10.1038/srep06989.
    {press pick up by leading media outlets in Japan – ‘Scientific American’,‘Asahi shinbun’, ‘Mainishi-shinbun’, Yahoo Japan, TBS television ‘asachan’, TBS radio}
  • G. Ganesh, T. Yoshioka, R. Osu, T. Ikegami (2014).
    Immediate tool incorporation processes determine human motor planning with tools.
    Nature Communications. Doi: 10.1038/ncomms5524.
  • G. Ganesh, A. Takagi, R. Osu, T. Yoshioka, M. Kawato, E. Burdet (2014).
    Two is better than one: Physical interactions improve motor performance in humans.
    Nature Scientific Reports 4.doi10.1038/srep03824.
    {press pick CNRS magazine, Dainik Jagran, India, Medical news}
  • G. Ganesh, R. Osu, E. Naito (2013).
    Feeling the force: Returning sensory signals determine effort expenditure during motor coordination.
    Nature Scientific Reports. Doi10.1038/srep02648.
  • G.Ganesh, E. Burdet (2012).
    Motor planning explains human behavior in tasks with multiple solutions.
    Special Issue of Elsevier Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Models and technologies for multi-modal skill training. 61-ISSN:0921-8890 :362-368.
  • M. Haruno, G. Ganesh, E. Burdet, M. Kawato (2012).
    Differential Correlates of force and co-contraction in the human premotor cortex.
    J. Neurophysiology. 107(1): 126-33.
  • J. Kodl*, G. Ganesh*, E. Burdet (2011).
    The CNS stochastically selects motor plan utilizing extrinsic and intrinsic representations.
    PloS ONE, 6(9): e24229.
  • G. Ganesh, M. Haruno, M. Kawato, E. Burdet (2010).
    Motor memory and local minimization of error and effort, not global optimization, determine motor behavior.
    J. Neurophysiology. 104(1): 382-90.
  • G. Ganesh, E. Burdet, M. Haruno, M. Kawato (2008).
    Sparse linear regression for reconstructing muscle activity from human cortical fMRI.
    Neuroimage, 42(4): 1463-72.
  • L. Burztyn*, G. Ganesh*, H. Imamizu, M. Kawato, R. Flanagan (2006).
    Neural Correlates of internal model loading.
    Current Biology, 16: 2440–2445.

Conference Presentations

  • H. Saito, K. Fukuchi, M. Inami, G. Ganesh (2023).  Background induced prediction error modulates
    motor contagions in humans. Poster at Motor control Symposium,  Japan, August 2023.
  • K. Arai, Y. Takahara, D. Ueda, M. Fukunaga, G. Ganesh, Y. Miyawaki (2022). Neural correlates of independent sixth finger embodiment. Poster at Society for Neuroscience (SFN), Chicago, US.
  • Y. Takahara, K. Arai, K. Kawata, M. Fukunaga, N. Sadato, G. Ganesh, Y. Miyawaki. (2022). Neural correlates of embodiment of an independent supernumerary limb by humans: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Poster at Neuro. Okinawa, Japan.
  • G. Shen, G. Ganesh, Y. Miyawaki (2022), Attenuated perception of visual stimuli synthesized from subspace neural activity. Presentation at the Vision Science Society (VSS) meeting, Pete Beach, Florida.
  • N. Nishida, Y. Iwasaki, T. Takeshi, T. Handa, K. Ando, S. Izuka, F. Kato, G. Ganesh, H. Iwata (2021). 追加型拡 張身体に対するAgency, Ownership誘発のための筋電制御システム・力触覚FBデバイスの開発 (To induce agency and ownership for additional body parts development by EMG control and force-tactile feedback). The Robotics and Mechatronics Conference, Japan, Osaka.
  • K. Umezawa, Y. Suzuki, G. Ganesh, Y. Miyawaki.  Investigation of the change in body representation with a actuated sixth finger. Poster at Motor control Symposium,  Japan, August 2019.
  • Suzuki, G. Ganesh, Y. Miyawaki. Investigation of the change in body representation due to a sixth finger. 17th Winter workshop on the mechanisms of brain and mind, January 2018.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh, H. Nakamoto. Presence and absence of prediction errors during action observation induce distinct motor contagions. Poster at Society for Neuroscience SFN meeting, November 2017.
  • K. Nakamura, G. Ganesh, AM Tobar, S. Suetia, N. Yoshimura, E. Yoshida, H. Ando, Y. Koike. Utilizing prediction errors to decode movement intention: a new technique. 17th Winter workshop on the mechanisms of brain and mind, January 2017.
  • K. Nakamura, G. Ganesh, AM Tobar, S. Suetia, N. Yoshimura, E. Yoshida, H. Ando, Y. Koike. Utilizing prediction errors to decode movement intention: a new technique. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2016.
  • H. Nakamoto, T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. 運動観察時の予測誤差の有無が自己の運動制御機構に及ぼす影. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2016.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. Outcome prediction of observed actions affects one’s own outcome estimation but not action correction. Poster at Society for Neuroscience SFN meeting, November 2015.
  • N. Takemura, T. Yoshioka, T. Ikegami, D. Korhammer, Hannes Hoepner, P. van der Smagt, G. Ganesh. Towards measurement and understanding of human impedance control during voluntary impacts. Poster at Motor control Symposium, September 2015.
  • N. Takemura, T. Yoshioka, T. Ikegami, D. Korhammer, Hannes Hoepner, P. van der Smagt, G. Ganesh. Towards measurement and understanding of human impedance control during voluntary impacts. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2015.
  • D. Korhammer N. Takemura, G. Ganesh, P. van der Smagt. Decoding arm stiffness form Electromyography during voluntary impacts. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2015.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. Outcome prediction of observed actions affects one’s own outcome estimation but not action correction. Poster at Society for Neuroscience SFN meeting, November 2014.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. Watching novice action degrades darts expert’s skill: Evidence that the motor system is involved in action understanding. Poster at Society for Neuroscience SFN meeting, November 2013.
  • G. Ganesh, R. Osu, E. Naito. Feeling the load: Returning haptic signals influence effort inference during motor coordination. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2013.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. Darts expert’s forward model degraded by watching novice darts throwing. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2013.
  • G. Ganesh, T. Ikegami. Tool kinematics mis-planning in humans. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2012.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. How observation affects motor action. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2012.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh. Tool kinematics mis-planning in humans. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2012.
  • G. Ganesh, R. Osu, T. Yoshioka, M. Kawato, E. Burdet. Symbiosis of motor interaction. Poster at Japanese Society for Neuroscience meeting, JSFN, September 2011.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh, T. Gibo, T. Yoshioka, M. Kawato, R. Osu. Multiple motor plans for the same environment modulated by history of endpoint error. Poster at Japanese Society for Neuroscience meeting, JSFN, September 2011.
  • G. Ganesh, T. Ikegami, T. Gibo, E. Burdet, T. Yoshioka, M. Kawato, R. Osu. Effect of end-point error on trajectory adaptation during force field learning: Model. Poster at Motor control symposium, June 2011.
  • T. Ikegami, G. Ganesh, T. Gibo, T. Yoshioka, M. Kawato, R. Osu. Effect of end-point error on trajectory adaptation during force field learning: Experiment. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2011.
  • G. Ganesh, M. Haruno, M. Kawato, E. Burdet. Motor optimization in the presence of multiple error-effort minima. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2010.
  • J. Kodl*, G. Ganesh*, E. Burdet. Multiple solutions in movement planning. Poster at Brain and Mind Conference- Rusutsu, January 2010.
  • 羽倉信宏、番浩志、G. Ganesh、山本洋紀、春野雅彦:手位置の空間表現.日本神経科学会抄録集. Japanese Neuroscience Society, September 2009.
  • 羽倉信宏,番浩志,G. Ganesh,山本洋紀,春野雅彦:手位置の脳内表現 No.24. Motor Control 研究会, June 2009.
  • G. Ganesh, M. Haruno, E. Burdet. A Hypothesis analysis of the neural correlates of motor learning. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2009.
  • G. Ganesh, M. Haruno, E. Burdet. Transitions between reciprocal activation and co-contraction during posture control. Poster at Neural Control of Movement, NCM, April 2008.
  • G. Ganesh, M. Haruno, E. Burdet, M. Kawato. Neural Correlates of Force and Impedance Learning. Poster at Japanese Society for Neuroscience meeting, JSFN, October 2008.
  • M. Haruno, G. Ganesh. Differential neural correlates of force control and muscle co-contraction control revealed by fMRI with on-line EMG feedback. Poster at Society for Neuroscience meeting, SFN, December 2006.
  • DW. Franklin, G. Ganesh, R. Osu, H. Imamizu, TE. Milner and M. Kawato. Neural correlates of the control of muscle impedance. Poster at Human Brain Mapping, HBM, June 2006.