We welcome submissions whose main topic is graph theory (including graph algorithms and computational aspects) and/or combinatorics.
Submission and notification:
(1) Please prepare your paper using this LaTeX template. The maximum length is 4 pages, including everyting.ย
(2) Submit your paper via Easychair:ย https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icgt-2022.ย
On EasyChair, there is an abstract field to be filled in. Please cut and paste there the abstract from your LaTeX file, which should contain at most 1000 characters. This will be used in the abstract booklet at the conference.
Important: If the article is accepted, the 4-pages submission will be made publicly available in the conference webpage, as in previous editions of ICGT. Note that this does not constitute a regular publication. Therefore, a submission to ICGT 2022 is compatible with any (prior, simultaneous or subsequent) submission, to a conference or to a journal, of the same results. There is only one exception: in order to avoid recycling old results, we will not accept submission whose all results that have already been published in a journal at the time of the submission.
In case a significant subset of the results has already appeared in a conference proceedings, or have been accepted for publication in a conference or a journal, please indicate it clearly with a footnote in the frontpage.ย
A special issue of DMTCS will be devoted to selected papers presented at ICGT 2022. Instructions will be sent after the conference.
Members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees are allowed to submit papers.
NB: Note that there is another conference also called ICGT, and also taking place in France during the same dates. Mind your submission!