-- Download Program --
Tuesday, September 4
14h30-19h Installation at Hotel
Wednesday, September 5
8h30 - 9h Opening
9h-10h30 Introduction to Surgical Robotics (E. Dombre)
11h-12h30 Modelling (O. Clatz)
12h30-14h30 Official Lunch
14h30-16h Robot registration (J. Troccaz)
16h30-18h Medical Imaging (C. Barillot)
18h15-19h Student Presentations
Thursday, September 6
9h-10h30 Simulation & Haptics (O. Clatz)
11h-12h30 Control I (P. Poignet)
12h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-16h Technical I (H. Wöm)
16h30-18h Student presentations
18h30-20h30 Visit of Montpellier
Friday, September 7
9h-10h30 Design & Safety (O. Company, S. Krut)
11h-12h30 Control II (F. Nageotte)
12h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-19h Industrial demontrations (CRDP)
19h30 Cocktail City of  Montpellier
Saturday, September 8
9h-12h30 LIRMM demontrations (LIRMM)
Afternoon Free Afternoon
17h-19h Visit of Musée Fabre
Sunday, September 9
10h-19h Sight seeing tour
Monday, September 10
9h-10h30 Medical I Cardiovasc. surg. (N. Bonnet)
11h-12h30 Medical II Neurosurgery (C. Bernard)
12h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-16h Design & Haptics (B. Hannaford)
16h30-18h Medical III Orthopedics (E.Stindel)
18h15-19h Student Presentations
Tuesday, September 11
9h-10h30 Technical II (W.T. Ang)
11h-12h30 Technical III (R. Taylor)
12h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-16h Technical IV (G. Morel)
16h30-18h Medical IV Abdominal surg. (L. Soler)
19h00-20h Demo Teleop Montpellier-Seattle LIRMM (B. Hannaford)
Wednesday, September 12
9h-12h30 Future Trends in surgical robotics (C. Stefanini)
12h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-16h Evaluation and closing session