Analytical Chemistry article presentation

New publication on epitranscriptomics

Publication in ACS Analytical Chemistry

Glad to share our first 2024 publication, available in open access: doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.3c02635.

This collaborative work between the Cancer Research institute (IRCM), the Clinical Proteomics Platform (PPC) of the University Hospital Montpellier, and our group at the LIRMM, studies the epitranscriptomic profile by Mass Spectrometry for different conditions of cell culture for colorectal cancer cells. Such cells adapt during tumorigenesis and some may acquire a Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) phenotype that allows them to survive in adversary environment, e.g., during therapy. A combination of RNA modifications differentiate the distinct adaptation states of these cancer cells. This may prove useful to follow adaptation during tumor development and therapy.

The work also investigates the contribution of different RNA types for these issues.

Analysis pipeline

Congrats and thanks to all collaborators.

Project: epitransdiag Publication

Eric Rivals
CNRS Research Director in Computer Science and Bioinformatics

My research interests include string algorithms, bioinformatics, genomics.
