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  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, A. Daoudi, N. Lazaar, Y. Mechqrane, E. Bouyakhf : Boosting Constraint Acquisition via Generalization Queries., Proceedings ECAI 2014, Prague, Rep. Tcheque, , Aug. 2014.
  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, N. Lazaar, : Solve a Constraint Problem without Modeling It , Proceedings ICTAI 2014, Limassol, Chypre, , Nov. 2014.


  • P. Vismara, R. Coletta and G. Trombettoni, Constrained Wine Blending, Proceedings CP'13, Uspalla, Suede, , to appear. Pdf
  • A. Balafrej, C. Bessiere, R. Coletta and E.H. Bouyakhf, Adaptive Parameterized Consistency, Proceedings CP'13, Uspalla, Suede, , to appear. Pdf
  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, E. Hebrad, G. Katsirelos, N. Lazaar, N. Narodytska, C.G. Quimper, T. Walsh, Constraint Acquisition via Partial Queries, Proceedings IJCAI'13, Beijing, China, , to appear. Pdf
  • I. Mami, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta, View Selection Under Multiple Resource Constraints in a Distributed Context, TLDKS ,Mai 2013. Pdf


  • P. Vismara, R. Coletta, Breaking variable symmetry in almost injective problems, Proceedings CP'12, Quebec, Canada, , Sept. 2012. Pdf
  • R. Coletta, E. Castanier, P. Valduriez, C. Frisch, D. Ngo, Z. Bellahsene Public Data Integration with WebSmatch, Proceedings WOD'12, Nantes, France, , Jun. 2012. Pdf
  • I. Mami , Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta, View Selection Under Multiple Resource Constraints in a Distributed Context, Proceedings DEXA'12, Vienne, Autriche, to appear ,Sept 2012. Pdf
  • P. Vismara, R. Coletta, Casser les symetries de variables dans un probleme "presque" injectif, Proceedings JFPC'12, Toulouse, France, ,Mai 2012. Pdf
  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, F. Koriche, A. Lallouet, M. Lopez. Branch and Learn pour l'acquisition de CSP, Proceedings JFPC'12, Toulouse, France, ,Mai 2012. Pdf


  • N. Duyhoa, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta A Generic and Flexible Approach Ontology Alignment Task, Proceedings ODBASE'11, Heraklios, Grece, 800-807 ,October 2011. Pdf
  • F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta Matching and Alignment: What is the Cost of User Post-match Effort ?, Proceedings COOPIS'11, Heraklios, Grece, 421-428 ,October 2011. Pdf
  • I. Mami , R. Coletta, Z. Bellahsene, Modeling view selection as a constraint satisfaction problem, Proceedings DEXA'11, Toulouse, France, 396-410 ,August 2011. Pdf
  • N. Duyhoa, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta, A Machine Learning Based Approach for Combining Similarity Metrics, Proceedings the CAISE'11 FORUM, Londres, UK, 73-80 ,June 2011. Pdf


  • Z. Bellahsene and al. FORUM: a Flexible Data Integration System , Sigmod Record, volume 39 (2) 2010. Pdf


  • F. Duchateau, R. Coletta, Z. Bellahsene, R. J. Miller Not Yet Another Matcher, Proceedings CIKM'09, Hong-Kong, China ,November 2009. Pdf
  • F. Duchateau, R. Coletta, Z. Bellahsene, R. J. Miller YAM: a Schema Matcher Factory (demo paper), Proceedings CIKM'09, Hong-Kong, China ,November 2009. Pdf


  • F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta, A Flexible Approach for Planning Schema Matching Algorithms, Proceedings COOPIS'08, Mexico, Mexique, 249-264 ,November 2008. Pdf
  • Z. Bellahsene, C. Woo, E. Hunt, X. Franch, R. Coletta, Proceedings of the Forum at the CAiSE'08 Conference (editor), Montpellier, France, June 18-20, 2008 2008


  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, T. Petit, Learning Implied Global Constraints , Proceedings IJCAI'07, Hyderabad, India, pages 50--55 ,Janury 2007. Pdf
  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, B O'Sullivan, M. Paulin, Query-driven Constraint Acquisition, Proceedings IJCAI'07, Hyderabad, India, pages 44--49 ,Janury 2007. Pdf


  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, F. Koriche, B. O'Sullivan, Acquiring Constraint Networks using a SAT-based Version Space Algorithm , Proceedings of AAAI'06, Nectar paper, Boston Massachusetts. ,July 2006. Pdf


  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, F. Koriche, B. O'Sullivan, A SAT-Based Version Space Algorithm for Acquiring Constraint Satisfaction Problems , Proceedings of ECML'05, Porto, Portugal ,747-751 ,October 2005. Postscript
  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, T. Petit, A Generic Framework for Learning Implied Constraints, Proceedings of CP'05, Ciges, Spain ,23-34 ,October 2005. Postscript
  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, T. Petit, Apprentissage de Contraintes Globales Implicites, Actes JFPC'05, Lens, France , 249-258 ,Juin 2005. Postscript


  • C. Bessiere, R. Coletta, E.C. Freuder, B. O'Sullivan, Leveraging the Learning Power of Examples in Automated Constraint Acquisition, Proceedings of CP'04, Toronto, Canada ,123-137,September 2004. Postscript


  • R. Coletta, C. Bessiere, B. O'Sullivan, E. C. Freuder, S. O'Connell, J. Quinqueton, Semi-Automatic Modeling by Constraint Acquisition, Proceedings of CP-2003, Kinsale, Cork, Ireland, September 2003.Compressed PS
  • R. Coletta, C. Bessiere, B. O'Sullivan, E. C. Freuder, S. O'Connell, J. Quinqueton, Semi-Automatic Modeling by Constraint Acquisition, Second International Workshop on Modelling and Reformulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Proceedings of CP-2003, Kinsale, Cork, Ireland, September 2003.Compressed PS
  • R. Coletta, C. Bessiere, J. Quinqueton, Modelisation Semi-Automatique par Acquisition de Contraintes, Actes JNPC'03, Amiens, France, du 17 au 19 Juin 2003. Compressed PS
  • R. Coletta, C. Bessiere, B. O'Sullivan, E. C. Freuder, S. O'Connell, J. Quinqueton, Constraint Acquisition as Semi-Automatic Modeling, Proceedings of AI-2003, Cambridge, UK, 111--124, December 2003. Compressed PS
  • R. Coletta, C. Bessiere, J. Quinqueton, Apprentissage de Contraintes, Actes RJCIA'03, Laval, France, du 1 au 4 Juillet 2003. Compressed PS