Design Continuum for Next Generation Energy‐Efficient Compute Nodes
MAGPIE is a collaborative framework that mainly targets an easy design evaluation for multicore systems, by applying selected existing tools, which are popular. It is made available to research community as open-source code to which any contribution is welcome for improvements and/or extention. Finally, it has been developed in the framework of the CONTINUUM ANR project, in a joint collaboration with the GREAT (heteroGeneous integRated magnetic tEchnology using multifunctional stAndardized sTack) H2020 European project. MAGPIE and its documents can be downloaded below (NOTE: to have access to the source code, please send a request with a valid e-mail address; then, you will get an account created on the corresponding Gitlab repository): |
What's MAGPIE evaluation framework?
MAGPIE (Manycore Architecture enerGy and Performance evaluatIon Environment) is an evaluation framework defined within the CONTINUUM ANR project in collaboration with the GREAT European project, aiming at supporting the design space exploration of energy-efficient multicore systems.
It is built upon three mature and popular tools: the gem5 full-system simulator, the McPAT and NVSim power/energy and area estimation tools for CMOS, SOI and emerging non volatile memory technologies.
MAGPIE promotes a script-oriented approach that enables a designer to easily specify system parameter and to run a seamless evaluation flow, which automatically produces execution metrics such as application outputs, performance numbers, area, power and energy consumption of the specified system.
How does MAGPIE work concretely?
The MAGPIE evaluation flow considers input parameters comprising information related to the software and hardware components of a target system.
The software-related inputs include a gem5 execution script file for each workload/application to be executed, together with the underlying operating system supported by the considered full-system simulator.
From the hardware perspective, a number of parameters of the target manycore architectures are required: types and number of cores, memory hierarchy and its technology-specific properties, and the interconnect type. Provided the input information, MAGPIE proceeds through four main steps as illustrated in the corresponding evaluation flow.
MAGPIE tutorial slides (presented at ComPAS'2017 conference)
1 -- Intro 2 -- First steps with gem5 3 -- Config. and usage 4 -- Application to workloads 5 -- Closing remarks
Related publications
- -- Thibaud Delobelle, Pierre-Yves Péneau, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Florent Bruguier, Sophiane Senni, Gilles Sassatelli and Lionel Torres 'MAGPIE: System-level Evaluation of Manycore Systems with Emerging Memory Technologies', Workshop on Emerging Memory Solutions - Technology, Manufacturing, Architectures, Design and Test at Design Automation and Test in Europe - DATE'2017, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017.
- -- Sophiane Senni,
Thibaud Delobelle, Odilia Coi,
Pierre-Yves Péneau, Lionel Torres,
Abdoulaye Gamatié, Pascal Benoit and
Gilles Sassatelli. 'Embedded
Systems to High Performance Computing
using STT-MRAM', Design
Automation and Test in Europe - DATE'2017,
Lausanne, Switzerland,
March 2017.
- -- Thibaud Delobelle, Pierre-Yves Péneau, Sophiane Senni, Florent Bruguier, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Gilles Sassatelli and Lionel Torres 'Flot automatique d’évaluation pour l’exploration d’architectures à base de mémoires non volatiles',
Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système - Compas'16, Lorient, France,
July 2016.
Development team
The MAGPIE framework has been initially developed by the ADAC group of LIRMM lab, within the CONTINUUM and GREAT projects. The main persons involved in this work are: Thibaud Delobelle, Pierre-Yves Péneau, Sophiane Senni, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Florent Bruguier, Gilles Sassatelli and Lionel Torres.
For any information about MAGPIE, please drop an email here.