Pic Saint Loup Saint Martin de Londres
Program (PDF)
Monday, June 18
09:00 Bus from Montpellier to Hameau de l'Etoile
10:30 Café & croissants
10:50 Bienvenue
11:00 - 12:30 V.MOULTON - Recent progress on phylogenetic networks.
12:45 Déjeuner
14:30 - 16:00 A.ESTOUP - ABC (Approximate Bayesian Computation) methods to make inference about population history from molecular data: principles and applications. Slides
16:00 Thé & gateaux
16:30 - 18:10
(20 min)
D.BRYANT - Efficient lying with simulations.
T.STADLER - How much do species limit each other? Slides
S.WHELAN - The effect of multiple sequence alignment methodology on downstream evolutionary analyses.
C.SCORNAVACCA - Constructing minimal phylogenetic networks from softwired clusters is fixed parameter tractable.
M.FISCHER - Phylogenetically decisive taxon coverage.
Tuesday, June 19
09:15 - 10:45 N.ROSENBERG - Models and methods for gene trees and species trees.
10:45 Café & croissants
11:15 - 12:45 M.BLUM - Approximate Bayesian Computation: algorithms, theory and applications. Slides
12:45 Déjeuner
14:30 - 16:10
(20 min)
A.LAMBERT - Coalescent point processes and phylogenies. Slides
S.GRAVEL - Methods and challenges in the analysis of admixed human genomes. Slides
J.SIRÉN - Inference on population trees by approximating wright-fisher diffusions. Slides
G.BAELE - Improving the accuracy of demographic and molecular clock model comparison while accommodating phylogenetic uncertainty. Slides
L.N.ANDERSEN - Inferring population histories in the IM-model. Slides
19:00 - 20:00 Apéritif & posters
Wednesday, June 20
09:15 - 10:45 M.STEEL - Probabilistic models of evolutionary trees. Slides
10:45 Café & croissants
11:15 - 12:45 C.ANÉ - Reconstructing species trees, concordance trees and testing the coalescent model. Slides
12:45 Déjeuner
14:00 - 20:00 Balade
Thursday, June 21
09:15 - 10:45 E.SUSKO - Testing phylogenies. Slides
10:45 Café & croissants
11:15 - 12:45 O.EULENSTEIN - Supertrees and phylogenomics.
12:45 Déjeuner
14:30 - 16:10 L.ZHANG - Reconciliation of gene and species trees with polytomies.
T.WIEHE - Combinatoric and probabilistic properties of coalescent trees and relatives.
M.S.BANSAL - Reconciliation revisited : towards faster and more accurate inference of gene family evolution by duplication, transfer, and loss.
F.ROUSSET - Likelihood-based inference under spatial structure and demographic changes : the Migraine project
19:00 - 20:00 Apéritif & posters
Friday, June 22
09:25 - 10:45
(20 min)
O.FRANÇOIS - A unified framework for inferring population genetic structure and gene-environment associations. Slides
P.PUDLO - Empirical likelihood for Bayesian inference in population genetics. Slides
J.BERTL - Approximate inference for high dimensional population genetic models using stochastic gradient methods. Slides
E.TANNIER - Evolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies. Slides
10:45 Café & croissants
11:15 - 12:45 A.HOBOLTH - Understanding the coalescent-with-recombination in time and space: A review and unifying framework.
12:45 Déjeuner
14:00 - 15:30 A.STAMATAKIS - High Performance Phylogenetics. Slides
16:00 The end! Bus to Montpellier
CNRS Université Montpellier 2 NUMEV LIRMM I3M GDR BIM Region Languedoc-Roussillon

SMBE 2012