

  Conceptual vector services        

For starters, you can play (search for closest terms and definitions) with conceptual vectors, and for more excitement also get an advanced search with fixed dist.

some documentation about vector manipulation.

some advanced forms to play with : ttm multiplication, substraction and complement between conceptual vectors.

Lexical functions with vectors

about distances. (angular, intensity), distance matrix, and morphological mesure.

about synonymy. (absolute, relative, subjective)

about hyperonymy. Experiments with frequency adjustments.

about antonymy, the nice page of Didier Schwab (my old page about antonymy.)

Word sense selection (naïve and weighted)

Word and word meaning frequency - luminosity

Tech side

Direct vector manipulation (sort of).

A form for a knn search among terms (from a given vector).

A prototype of term indexer

    Indexers (real time)

a paragraph based indexer (paragraph based — a combination of the FRANSYG analyzer of French done with SYGMART and conceptual vectors)

— another version (is it better?) of a indexer with ttm retroaction.

— yet another version (better again?) of a indexer with ttm(1+x) retroaction.

Some examples (where words are indexed) : example 1, example 2, example 3.

    Converse : Conceptual Vector Search Engine

a multiple ontologies search engine - several ontologies are used (term, geo). The texts are those of Le Monde (a small subset).

another downgraded search engine based on a single ontology.

technical side

    Analyser (for French)

analyse morphosyntaxique du français

    Dictionary services

to come


Une page qui propose un correcteur orthographique et un décomposeur morpho.


last update10 octobre 2002 — mathieu lafourcade LIRMM - 161, rue ADA - 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France - Tél : (33) 04 67 41 85 71 - Fax : (33) 04 67 41 85 00 - courriel :