If you are new to the laboratory or have been there for a long time, you can participate. Some actions are already in place, others are in progress and all proposals or initiatives are welcome!
The LIRMM is committed to the ecological and energy transition.
« Chaque fraction de degré compte : il y a urgence à accélérer la lutte contre le changement climatique, et le milieu scientifique doit participer à cet effort collectif » – Valérie Masson-Delmotte (Giec).
The LIRMM acts daily to reduce its carbon footprint in its operations and research activities.
We have thus launched a reflection around 4 axes:
- Evaluate: Annually evaluate the evolution of the laboratory’s greenhouse gas balance to understand the impact.
- Raise awareness: To commit and communicate for a research in computer science allowing to reduce the digital footprint.
- To act : Carry out daily actions to reduce its carbon footprint (transport, meals, building …).
- Research: Strengthen research projects related to sustainable development and social responsibility (DDRS).