Today, LIRMM is 420 members strong.
The scientific teams include 52 Full-Time Researchers, and 121 Full and Associate Professors working in three research departments.They are assisted by 129 PhD students and 79 Lab members with short-term contracts (Post-Docs, Research Engineers, etc.).
To support this diverse scientific staff, dedicated technical and Administrative personnel provide centralized services, ensuring smooth Lab operations.
COMM: Communication
STI-AR: Appui à la recherche
LOG: Logistique
GEST-FI: Gestion financière
VALO: Valorisation-Europe-Incubation
GEST-ADM: Gestion administrative et Accueil
INDEx: Ingénierie Numérique Données Exploitation
DORIST: DOnnées Reproductibles et IST
Finally, several governing bodies give LIRMM its day-to-day roadmap and long-term strategic orientations.